Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Analysis of Kubricks A Clockwork Orange
Analysis of Kubricks A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubricks 1971 film production of the Anthony Burgess novel, A Clockwork Orange, is a truly unforgettable film. It is narrated by one of the most vicious characters ever put on screen, Alex DeLarge. The promotional poster for the film advertised it as The adventures of a young man whose principle interests are rape, ultra-violence, and Beethoven (Dirks 1). Needless to say, music plays a very important role in A Clockwork Orange. The expressive use of music in this film gives the viewer a look into the psyche of the vicious Alex, a psyche that equates violence with art. By doing so, the film shows us the complexity and duality of the human mind through a character who loves both†¦show more content†¦The scene becomes a ballet-type performance, complete with a climax. This reveals Alexs attitude toward the violence that he inflicts; it is an art that is inspired by other works of art, such as Rossinis The Thieving Magpie. Another scene that equates artistic virtue with Alexs violent actions is the scene in which Alex and his gang come upon a rival gang in an abandoned casino. This scene also uses Rossinis The Thieving Magpie as its music. The scene opens with the rival gang on the casinos stage, attempting to rape a young girl while the light, happy sounds of strings are heard. As the girl struggles, she seems to be dancing like a ballerina, tiptoeing and placing the back of her wrist against her forehead. The fight that ensues between the two gangs gives the viewer the impression of a ballet. Bodies fly through the air while the drifting sounds of The Thieving Magpie continue to play. In an interview director Stanley Kubrick said that he wanted a way to stylize the films violence and to make the violence as balletic as possible (qtd. in LoBrutto 4). He accomplishes this well by pairing the floating, birdlike sounds of Rossinis piece with scenes of gang violence. The light-hearted music in thi s scene seems to emphasize Alexs attitude toward violence. He sees the violence that he commits as an enjoyable art form,Show MoreRelated A Clockwork Orange Essay: A Movie Analysis1704 Words  | 7 PagesA Clockwork Orange A Movie Analysis    In 1962, Anthony Burgess novel A Clockwork Orange was published for the first time. This novel was an anti-utopian fable about the near future, where teenage gangs habitually terrorize the inhabitants of a shabby metropolis. The novel deals with the main focus that man is a sinner but not sufficiently a sinner to deserve the calamities that are heaped upon him. It is a comic novel about a mans tragic lot. (Bergonzi 152).      In 1971, StanleyRead More Stan the man kubrick Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pagesthe intellect and genius that goes into each minute of each scene of each incredible film. Since it is impossible to describe all of the details of Kubrick’s auteur theory here, it will be my goal to touch on one of them, arguably the most important, and explore it. The one to which I will concern myself with now, is that of Kubrick’s brilliant portrayal of the dark side of human nature. Hey accurately portrays in all of his movies the common element of people having unscrupulous traits.Read MoreEssay on Stanley Kubrick: Artist, Explorer and Pioneer3777 Words  | 16 PagesKubrick uses the medium of film to convey an understanding of the world around him. I see his work as art rather than entertainment and I propose his inclusion in Howard Gardner’s model of Multiple Intelligences. The basis of my argument lies in analysis of his work ethic, complexities, innovations and communication skills. Background Stanley Kubrick was born on July 26th, 1928. The Bronx New York was both his birthplace and childhood home. While there he had a relatively uneventful adolescenceRead MoreThe Films of Stanley Kubrick Essay2151 Words  | 9 Pages The films of director Stanley Kubrick divert from any categorized genre upon analysis. Instead they use themes that also expand into cinematic concepts due to certain construction processes used in the making of his films. This distinguishes Stanley Kubrick as a film maker and also places his films in their own genre. Analysing the two films 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and A Clockwork Orange (1971) the production processes will be examined to determine how they bring Read More Film Contributions of the Sixties Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesFilm Contributions of the Sixties Beginning roughly with the release of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Loved the Bomb in 1964, and continuing for about the next decade, the â€Å"Sixties†era of filmmaking made many lasting impressions on the motion picture industry. Although editing and pacing styles varied greatly from Martin Scorcesse’s hyperactive pace, to Kubrick’s slow methodical pace, there were many uniform contributions made by some of the era’s seminalRead MoreStanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb1854 Words  | 8 PagesStanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb presents a satire of the Cold War and nuclear warfare. The film stars comedian Peter Sellers in three different roles, including the president, a Royal Air Force officer, and the title character of Dr. Strangeloveâ€â€a character who does not play a major role in the action until the final scene of the film. The film itself was adapted by Stanley Kubrick, Peter George, and Terry Southern from George’s thrillerRead MoreDr.Strangelove Film Analysis Essay example2420 Words  | 10 Pagesmachine. In Dr. Strangelove, he concludes that man and his machines will lead to the end of the world. Almost every movie after Dr. Strangelove explored the dark side of human nature. Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey, dealt with similar themes on the perils of technology and the evolution of man. Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket all explored the dark side of the human psyche and the violent nature of human beings. Alex is conditionally altered by science and technology toRead More Use of Generalist Fair Use Defence in Australian Intellectual Property Law4952 Words  | 20 Pagesreading or investigation or reflection; 2. The cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law; 3. A particular course of effort to acquire knowledge; to pursue special medical studies†¦5. A thorough examination and analysis of a particular subject†. It would appear from the decision of the Court in this case that in ascertaining the purpose and the character of the â€Å"fair dealing†is more of a question of determining whether there has been a commercial dealing with
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Poems of Puritan Authors Themes of Religious Beliefs in a...
Domestic Life in Poetry Since well before the United States became its own independent nation, the people of this land have worked to develop a purely unique identity, which was at least in the beginning, ruled by the religious beliefs of the population. Part of the structure of this identity, as with the cultural identity of any developing nation, has been created through the literature of American authors. When the Puritans came to the New World, they led a life that was focused on their religious beliefs. The church, prayer, and devotion to God were what dictated the behaviors of all people and the cultural development of those people. They left England to escape persecution because their religious practices demanded a rigid interpretation of the Bible, and the leading of a very simple life with stoic and unceremonious religious services. Anne Bradstreet, a Puritan, is arguably the most famous writer to come out of this period. However, there were other poets writing in this time as well including male p oets Michael Wigglesworth and Edward Taylor. In comparing the three, and taking particular interest in Anne Bradstreets poem Contemplations, it becomes evident that religion was an integral part of Puritan life, permeating into all other parts of life. In both the poems of Wigglesworth and Taylor, the reader cannot help but notice a somber tone. Their poems are reflective of the Puritan belief in a God-centric life and that all their endeavors should express their
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper Free Essays
In the University of Phoenix curricula GEN480 Capstone course, Learning Team C represents a somewhat diverse group of skills. Based on a matrix of categories including field of expertise, strengths, business skills, computer skills, and language, the four members of Learning Team C shared their self-assessment in each of these. It is interesting that there is a good complement of customer service, leadership, business acumen, computer skills, and even some additional foreign language skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Patrice Davis – A strong customer service background with good listening and communication skills. Patrice is also team-oriented and has good basic computer skills. Cindy Jost – A member of management, Cindy has experience in the travel industry and in addition to leadership, lists communication, negotiation skills and software knowledge as strengths. Silvia Miller – Silvia represents the quality assurance management side of commercial banking. Her strengths are leadership, people skills, flexibility, software knowledge, and speaks three languages including fluent Portuguese. Mike Wray – Seasoned leader and manager with a focus on health care supply chain management. Mike brings experience in common-sense approach process improvement and good communication skills. He also has a good understanding of software and databases and their best application. The skill of these positions is a combination of personal strengths, business skills and computer skills. The personal strengths range from professionalism to social skills, from dependability to honesty, from ambition to understanding, and trustworthiness to leadership skills. From the examination of the skills listed it appears that the skill required in most functions listed is public speaking and presentation skills. Although public speaking always has been recognized in the business community, the online learning program does not incorporate this class into their curricula. Public speaking and presentation skills are essential in the management and leadership field. The student can overcome the fear of facing people, and can improve their communication skills. For instance, in a job interview, the interviewer judge the person based on their qualifications but also the ability to deliver a good public speaking session. For a college student the ability of deliver good public speaking session are also tested. Unfortunately, the clarity of the speaking skills cannot be heard because of the online learning environment. There are many things you can do to improve your public speaking skills: Preparation of the presentation: Good public speakers prepare the material to be presented. He or she will outline the presentation to have a clear view of what the speech is about. Also, they know their audience. Tell a Story: This is one of the best tools available to use to persuade other people. Use your voice effectively: To keep people interest about the story, a voice variation is important for instance the use of pause and voice excitement. Use your body: this is extremely important when communicating because you need to engaged your listeners. Another way through which a person can become more effective at public speaking is to become a member of Toastmasters International. â€Å"Toastmaster International is a nonprofit organization that offers a proven and enjoyable way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills†(Toastmasters, 2010). In fact, based on the description of experience and skills presented on the Team C Matrix, the team presented two consulting firms as potential employers. Consulting firms are a popular career choice for college graduates. As the need for specialized professionals in areas of business is growing so is the specialization of consulting firms. Three consulting firms that make a good match based on Team C’s skill set include Navigant Consulting a management firm, Pricewaterhouse Cooper LLP an accounting firm and Mercer LLC a firm specializing in human resources (List of Top Consulting Firms, 2010). The benefit for companies to hire a specialized consulting firms is to ensure a better delivery, quality and over all monitoring of their current project. Team C’s members bring a variety of skills to the hiring table. When searching for companies to apply to the goal is to finding the best fit base on experience and education. Navigant is a management consulting firm out of the greater Chicago area (Navigant Consulting, 2011). The team member that would best be employed with Navigant is Michael Wray. Based on his leadership skills and management expertise is a good fit here. Silvia Miller is the team member with a financial background so the best fit for this team member is a position within the firm of Pricewaterhouse Cooper LLP. Pricewaterhouse specialty is accounting (PWC 2011). Mercer is a company focused in Human Resources which is also part customer service (Mercer, 2011). This company has career paths that will meet the need of all Team C’s members but Patrice Davis and Cindy Jost would be the best fit here because of their customer service expertise. Some needed skills are a continual thirst for learning. Once a person stops, learning one also stops growing. Also can be a hindrance in the ability to be innovative and creative. This skill is sometimes obtained through company-sponsored classes, seminars, and incentives to attend and complete such company sponsored learning opportunities. Another needed skill is statistics and research design. This is researching in-house to define the research problem, find an answer by designing a study and the appropriate instruments. Coding, analyzing, reporting, and making recommendations on the discoveries of the defined problem is a part of research design. This skill is obtained only if the company sees this as an asset and important to the company. If the case, someone can be brought in who has experience in statistics and research design. Cross-cultural understanding is also a skill needed because in this economy more minorities are entering the workforce all the time. This skill is obtained through company sponsored cultural days or seminars. Possessing a business skill is a needed skill. Employees need to have â€Å"business savvy†a combination of technical training and interpersonal skills. This skill is obtainable by one receiving technical training and the teaching of good interpersonal skills, preferably during achieving education prior to entering the workforce. How to cite Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Jazz Essay free essay sample
Ragtime which was an African Tyler of music and was played by Plano influenced the creation of Jazz by African American. The first group ever to play jazz were; Tom browns band from Dixie land in South in 1916. Their Idea was just Musical literacy, they couldnt read music, but they were so talented that they would only play by ear. For this particular reason many other musicians would call them negative names. After a decade, Jazz became more popular, but it never became Americas favorite music. However, popular music generated from Jazz. This fact made Jazz more off life style( partying, having a good time). At that point in time any music that wasnt religious or classical was mostly referred to Jazz ( in the asss). Jazz musicians were often so talented that pop music producers would depend on Jazz musicians for their creativity to make money for themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Jazz Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, Jazz became the musicians Music. Their honest desire and artistic creativity made them very proud. So, it wasnt Just because of money. It was a unique way of life that they believed not everyone understands,There were 2 very common vehicles for Jazz songs. One was the cords to the 12 bar (blues). Two was the cords to I got rhythm which emphasized many song forms. The formats were mostly consists of head solos head. The book explains about the six very important characteristics of Jazz which were; Improvisation, Syncopation, Swing, Jazz Instrument technical, Influence of the Blues and rhythm section and front liners. The very first style of jazz was New Orleans Jazz which was divided into two sections;Collective Improvisation and counterpoint (poly phony) melody against melody. At that time Kid ROR was the first African American in 1922 to record instrumental Jazz. Some of the famous figures of that era were; Sidney Becket, which was one of the greatest Jazz musicians who moved to Europe and started the Jazz there. Another famous figure was James P Johnson The father of Harlem Strides who was classically trained composer. Some of the other key figures of that era are as follows: Buddy Bolder was one of the very first jazz players ever who invented the big 4 beat.Bunk Johnson who played modern Jazz until way after Into asss but never recorded his music. Freddie kippered helped spreading the New Orleans jazz. Joe king Oliver who was one of the key figures and also was the mentor of the Legendary Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong is one the most influential Jazz icons of all time. He was born In August of 1901, but claimed that he was born on July 4th of 1900. He started his career as cornet player at an early age. In 1919 he played with river boat band lead by Fate marble.Although they were all African American but they played for white Thats when he became second corniest at the Lincoln gardens. In 1925 he changed from cornet to trumpet and he recorded the hot gs and hot gs Master pieces until 1929 which gained much respect for the genre of Jazz. Other famous people who collaborated with Louis during that time were; Fletcher Henderson, Don Red man and Coleman Hawkins. After 1929 he got inebriate 2 different mobs in Chicago and a year later moves to LA to perform at Sebastian cotton club in Culver city.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
27 Influential Years of 60 Minutes Essays - CBS News, 60 Minutes
27 Influential Years of 60 Minutes Essays - CBS News, 60 Minutes 27 Influential Years of 60 Minutes Journalism/Media/Television 27 Influential Years of 60 Minutes 27 Years of Influential 60 Minutes Since 1968 America has been better enlightened than previously concerning current events and happenings around the world. A considerable factor for this occurrence is the television program 60 Minutes which debuted on the air in September of 1968. Many other television newsmagazines have been produced since its creation, however none have possessed the longevity nor the influence of 60 Minutes. In fact, 60 Minutes, which is owned by CBS News, was the first regular network news program to cover actual stories as opposed to topics. Today, similar newsmagazines can be seen every night of the week on various stations, all of which were sparked by the inception of 60 Minutes. All of the tabloid television programs being shown today are also a result of 60 Minutes and its bold, gutsy, "gotcha" style of television journalism. 60 Minutes changed the way that the American public receives its television news, stemming forth a whole new format of television broadcast journalism. 60 Minutes has a vast history of stories covered, yet the format has remained unchanged. Don Hewett, creator and producer of 60 Minutes, has been the subject of much criticism for his stubbornness. Since its origin, 60 Minutes has continued to adhere to the same formula that made it such a success. The hidden-camera interviews, the surprising of unsuspecting alleged crooks with a bombardment of questions, the longevity of the featured reporters, all of these are what made 60 Minutes a successfinishing in the top 10 Nielson ratings for 17 consecutive seasons and counting. Other than the fact that it changed from black- and-white to color with the new technology, the appearance of 60 Minutes has remained consistent. There is no reason to change a thing about such a prosperous show according to Hewitt. Not only has the format remained constant but the reporters have as well. Mike Wallace, and Harry Reasoner both appeared on the first episode of 60 Minutes. Reasoner, who passed away in 1991, left CBS in 1970 to pursue a news anchoring position at ABC but later returned to 60 Minutes, in 1978, until his death. Wallace and Morley Safer, who started in 1970, are still featured reporters as well as Ed Bradley (who joined the team in 1981) and newcomers Lesley Stahl and Steve Kroft. 60 Minutes would not be the same without the weekly commentary of Andy Rooney. Rooney started making a regular appearance in 1978 offering humorous, sometimes controversial annotations about everyday life. A well known prime time TV news anchor who did much of his best work at 60 Minutes is Dan Rather. When Rather joined the other prestigious journalists he had a reputation as a tough, aggressive reporter; in other words, he fit in perfectly. Rather left in 1981 to takeover The CBS Evening News, leaving with him a hard-nosed investigator who would do whatever it took to capture the whole story. All of these factors combined to form a one-of-a-kind TV newsmagazine with solid ratings; clones were destined to follow. Following in the wake of success, many spin-offs were created in an attempt to grab a piece of the action. There were many reasons for following the suite of 60 Minutes and not many reasons not to. The biggest incentive (in the eyes of the other network executives) for striving to reproduce 60 Minutes was the substantial amount of revenue created by this program. 60 Minutes requires a remarkably less amount of money to produce than a situation comedy. And because the CBS network owns the show, these were earnings that went straight to the corporation. 60 Minutes has turned out to be quite a goldmine for CBS because the program has not only brought in the highest profit of any other show in history, but most of all their other shows combined. It comes as no surprise that other networks dived into the newsmagazine business. Some of the more notable programs to cash in on the new format for broadcasting news include Prime Time Live, 20/20, and Entertainment Tonight. Entertainment Tonight branched off into a less newsworthy, more Hollywood scene which later set the pace for PM Magazine, and most recently A Current Affair and Hard Copy. None of the listed newsmagazines would exist had it not been for the creation of 60 Minutes. The new style of journalism that 60 Minutes incorporated went on to set a new standard for reporters everywhere. High ratings are the key to success in the television news business and 60 Minutes gave the viewing public what it cravedshocking interviews and investigations which led to the
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
Business law - Essay Example What type of business organization has Alpha and Beta formed? To whom, if anyone, is Alpha liable? To whom, if anyone, is Beta liable? The business type formed by the two partnerships is a limited liability company which is not fully a partnership or a corporation. Since the two partnerships did not have any form of agreement as it was a onetime business deal, then each of the members has limited partnership. This type of business organization ensures the members have limited liability and especially on their personal property (Reuting 28). The limited liability however is not applicable where one of the members commits fraud or personally guarantees to repay a debt and later on refutes this claim. In case of personal business that are not linked to the company arises, then liability will be for only the member implicated and not for the rest of the members in the Limited Liability Company (the limited liability does not apply in such a case). Both Alpha and Beta committed fraud, however the frauds committed were different and hence the difference in liability. In the case of Alpha, the fraud was committed against a company that was to provide paper for printing the book that the two partnerships were producing and hence will be liable to both Beta and the printing paper company (Gamma Printing Supplies, Inc). Beta Publications which committed fraud against Delta Literary Agency which was producing articles for its magazine will be liable only to the agency alone and not to Alpha Communications as well. This is so because the agency does is not part of their one-time deal unlike the paper printing
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reagan Revolution Through President Obama Essay
Reagan Revolution Through President Obama - Essay Example (Council of economic advisors, 2010, p.50) Even before he took office a change could be seen in the perspective of the whites regarding African-Americans. Research has shown that 22 percent of Americans view Obama as an exemplary figure when they think of African-Americans. If Obama administration continues to be successful then he can activate positive feelings in majority of people regarding the blacks (The Obama effect†¦., 2009). Overturning the Reagan Revolution Barack Obama in his inaugural speech pronounced that he would use old and traditional values to effect progressive changes. His approach towards politics would carry a sense of mature collective responsibility instead of the juvenile approach of individualism. He would uphold the democratic role of the US government and would continue to maintain the leadership position of the country in the global front. Obama has defended the traditional values like â€Å"honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism†. With this he has broken the established values of Reagan era. Obama has emphasized on the effectiveness of the government over its size thus overturning the Reagan revolution (Dionne, 2009). Impact With advocating the values â€Å"tolerance and curiosity†Obama has actually supported the concept of innovations by those who are determined to take risks. Obama as president believes in stressing on the security of the nation as he thinks that â€Å"power alone cannot protect†. He stressed on regulations on the market to keep it under control. His aim is to promote equality as according to him â€Å"the nation cannot prosper when it favours only the prosperous†. (Dionne, 2009) Impact of 1980s AIDS epidemic American life is largely a manifestation of religious... This report approves that the US war against Afghanistan was essentially illegal because it did not abide by the international law on war. According to the law when one nation makes armed attack on another nation, only then the attacked nation can use military aggression for defense. In this case Afghanistan did not attack since the 19 convicted men were not Afghans. Also permission from UN Security Council is needed to start a war and in this case the council did not permit the war. However there were some moral rationales behind the war. An international poll revealed that many people from all over the world took an unfavorable view on America especially on Bush. When people were asked who they think is a threat to world peace United States got more votes than al-Qaeda terrorist group. More people felt that America is more dangerous than countries like Iran and Syria. The poll also revealed negative views of people on America’s war on terrorism in the Middle East. This paper makes a conclusion that the continuous economic depression has created disparities within the American society thus threatening its position as superpower in the global arena. Although it has always been a land of unlimited opportunities but the success has become fragile. If there is no fast solution for overcoming the economic downfall, then the global economy is at stake. The growing disparity between the rich and the poor violates the core image of the United States.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Images of Arabs and Muslims in Western Media Research Paper
Images of Arabs and Muslims in Western Media - Research Paper Example The scope of media does not limit itself to the mere digital media, the press and other forms of paper publications are another source through which the role of representation of Muslims has been questioned at large and has resulted in resentment in the Muslims ranks (Rane, Martinkus, & Ewart, 2014,p. 129). It is an established fact that media plays a central role towards the creation of public opinion about a given phenomena. The Western media has been highly active in the regard of taking on the Muslims and Arabs with regard to their religious beliefs and responses to the Western life styles. Similarly the Western media has followed the different debates and topics extensively with regard to the modern concepts such as terrorism, concept of veil and other radical mindsets that are prevailing in the recent times on account of conflict between different political ideologies (Janson, 2011). It cannot be denied that the two societies (Muslims and West) had their share of differences with each other through the different traces of history. Yet that is not peculiar to the two societies and conflicts have emerged within West among the followers of Christianity as well. But that has never led to such a deep debate and isolation of the two mindsets from one another. It has not created such a rift and gulf between them creating serious fault lines that may lead to mutual co-existence as a virtual impossible within one living space. For example the element of Crusade, the Ottoman Empire and the Christian subjects handling, the nationalistic uprising in the Arab world towards the early part of twentieth century. Yet none of these went on to become a stigma and both the societies and people of the two belief groups moved on as soon as the issues were resolved. The case of terrorism and modern day hatred has given a relatively prolonged outlook to the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Emas Installation At Mangalore Airport Engineering Essay
Emas Installation At Mangalore Airport Engineering Essay YP- Eurocontrol Support any engineering device which helps to mitigate risks associated with runway overrun (Page, 2010). Every proposal that is made to ICAO will be consulted with all member states, where each member state has a role to play in consultation and coordination of any changes with Annex 14. Moreover, aerodrome panel collects decides on any amendments. DH- The main difficulty involved in installing EMAS is not the actual cost of installation, in fact is the question of who funds the actual project?(Quan, 2010). This issue is dealt differently by FAA administer the funding of installations where approved effective through Airport Improvement Programme (AIP). AIP is a program which provides grant to airport operators including private operators to improve their airports safety and efficiency (FAA, 2010b). The money is raised through taxes on airplane ticket sold to public and taxes on aviation fuel. In contrary, many European airports have a privatised nature of ownership and since there is no government funding supporting EMAS. Consequently, it will be purely a commercial business decision for airport abuthorities whether to implement an EMAS or extend their RESA (Eurocontrol, 2010). YP FAA has a legal responsibility to implement safety standards in all US airports in terms of safety regulation as it is both regulator and navigation service provider and in some cases airport operator which enables it to cover whole air traffic management. FAA is not the aircraft operator but it regulates the aircraft operators. In contrary, many airports outside US find it extremely difficult to decide whether to invest in a several million dollars structure which might be never used or instead invest in runway quality improvements and also focusing on stabilise approaches which they seem to be more effective in preventing runway overrun in the first place (Eurocontrol). Currently EMAS installation within RESA is a fragmented scenario particularly in Europe once the entire eventualities are covered (CAA, 2010b). However various aviation authorities are supportive with the idea if aresstor beds as an effective and efficient mitigator (CAA, 2010b; Eurocontrol, 2010b). Moreover EMA S should be taken into consideration in light of other preventative methods. CAA Currently CAA is assisting ICAO with study focused on the touch-down lights particularly for the aerodromes with steep approaches as well as short runways. There will be a proposal to implement a set of lights as it is currently adopted by London City Airport aiming to assist operating crew to initiate a go-around in cases where pilots fail to land within the appropriate touch-down zone (CAA, 2010b). CAA (2010b) suggest that they are contributing to enhance safety margins through a different approach which is to identify risks and accordingly implement preventative measures than investing financially into a infrastructure. However a member of CAA aerodrome safety points out that civil aviation authorities in many European countries are gradually following the footsteps of FAA with regards to promoting safety equipments and procedures. They are starting to introduce themselves not only as a regulator with regards to runway safety which conducts regular aerodromes auditing yet the y are initiating to acknowledge and encourage any safety enhancement within aerodromes. It may be true that they do not have the budget like FAA to support safety projects yet they are offering consultations on variety of options available for each airport to consider which they might be unaware of such solutions, aiming to maximise margins of error. CAA CAA has always proposed and supported the 240m should be the ICAO standard. Meanwhile the idea of EMAS has been part of the recent debate as CAA are currently putting a paper together to propose it to ICAO in October 2010 which they hope it passed through panels and eventually to the Air Navigation Council (ANC) and by the time it reaches this point, it will be mature document with all different agreements from all parties, however the gestation period for these types of processes may take up to 5 years. This is crucial to focus and study the procedures followed by ICAO before making any improvements to annexes, as they operate on the basis of consensus and it generally takes a long times to collects agreements from most if not all member states. CAA According to a runway safety advisor at CAA, who worked with many airports has identied that the concept of capital expenditure in any aerodrome being large, medium or small was revolved around balancing acts between a varieties of competing needs. Moreover, in some airports where there are deficiencies in their RESA, it is still the responsibility of board not the CAA to make the decision which in most cases is the commercial business decision. Unfortunately, there is a deficiency within the current system that suggests at some airports due to lack of financial profitability of some safety projects, the proposed safety enhancement will be compromised with economical issues. YP In case of UK CAA enforcing 240m RESA as a requirement for all UK airports regardless of their size just like FAA might be significantly effective in maximising safety margins yet the social cost of such enforcement on society would be destructive, therefore, it is apparent that it is unlikely to happen due to its unfavourable nature. YP However this is the gap where IATAs adopted policy of implementing rules could lead on ICAO towards alternative level of compliance. Moreover it is possible that in near future IATA could be setting up an implementing rule which states with regards to annex 14 RESAs, the alternative means of compliance to the current requirement is an approved arrestor bed (CAA, 2010b). YP There is currently a debate whether aerodromes should declare mapping and charting RESA or EMAS in aeronautical notification publications. This has been raised on the basis of risk compensation where extending RESA is suggested to make pilots less cautious during landing once they know that they have extra space for landing. In contrast, IFALPA (2008) states extra RESA would be effective as it would provide extra braking capacity for operating crew as excursion accidents rate has not improved for the past 20 years (Eurocontrol, 2010). CAA- Proposals for the inclusion of information about arrestor system will be considered by ICAO in October (CAA, 2010). According to CAA there are currently some airports in UK that are considering to adopt an EMAS at their RESA. EMAS Kevin KQ KQ Currently Zodiac Aerospace is working with ICAO in order to get their support, recognition and approval of EMAS as an effective product and according to Quan (2010) there will be hopefully an amendment to annex 14 by December 2010, which would state that ICAO recognise and accept the product as an option for airport to meet their RESA requirements. Once the approval is made, other countries aviation authorities will be more serious about the product particularly after the ICAO requirements has been met. KQ Cost of an EMAS will depend on location and the design aircraft type for which the arrestor bed will be installed for, however, a project in US is less expensive than other countries due to the transportation cost such as shipping. According to Quan an EMAS project in US could be between 3-10 million US dollars. KQ Even though EMAS has been funded and approved by FAA but every US airport before installation must consider other alternatives such as use of declared distance which reassigns some part of runway as a RESA. This option would certainly introduce operational limitations and also shorter runway promotes lower utility from the airfield. However the FAA requirement is 300m RESA which is only recommendation by ICAO. As there are many airports in US which are limited to meet the FAA RESA requirement, which encourages them to adopt other alternatives such as putting as much EMAS bed as possible in their RSA to enhance their safety margins (Quan, 2010). According to ESCO (2010), the smallest EMAS bed installed in US is about 50m length and 30m width. KQ As FAA essentially encourages airports to endeavour and deploy highest practical limit of safety (Heald, 2010). According to Advisory Circle 5200.9 (FAA, 2005) every airport aiming to meet the requirement must do a 20 years life cycle values to establish the cost of installing an EMAS on each end of runway and furthermore the airport is then permitted to spend up to the calculated cost value from AIP budget to improve safety. KQ In case of Madrid, the EMAS was not deployed to meet the ICAO recommended practice, as the runway had already 240m of RESA beyond the runway strip. However Madrids airport authority decided to deploy EMAS on two parallel runways due to the operational concerns involved. They two sets of parallel runways, one set are used for landing and the other is used for takeoff. KQ Additionally, the landing runway has a safety area which intercepts to safety area of another runway, in essence, there were two safety areas occupying the same space. Their concern was in case of an overrun in landing runway and the aircraft ends up in the safety area that a portion of which intersects the departure runway safety area. Consequently both runways would be closed, therefore, they decided to deploy EMAS within the safety area to prevent the overrunning aircraft from entering the other RESA. KQ Based on study conducted by ESCO (2010), the EMAS bed is most appropriate at airports with geographical and physical limitations which constrain them to meet the ICAOs requirement. For instance, a 400ft of EMAS bed is as effective as 1000ft RESA in stopping B737 travelling pass the end of runway with speed of 70knot. Considering the reduction in foot print requirement is promotes EMAS as an ideal solution for many airports worldwide. KQ -EMAS bed is based on a modular system, therefore, during an overrun only the sections that are used to sink the tyres and stop the aircraft need to be repaired. According to Quan (2010) an estimate price for each block in US market is roughly around 1200 US dollars. Moreover according to FSF (2006), repair of the arrestor bed that brought the 747 at John F. Kennedy International Airport to rest in December 2005 cost about US$2 million dollars, as it stands to the most costly repair known to ESCO. The most recent EMAS arrestment was outlined by KQ, which was a Bombardier CRJ-200 operated by a regional Jet at Charleston, West Virginia. The aircraft entered an EMAS bed that comprised of 4200 blocks and it brought the aircraft to stop safely, saving over 34 people and only consumed 170 blocks where there is a steep 446ft beyond the EMAS bed (EMAS, 2010). In case of any overrun, the operator of the aircraft is liable for the repair of the airport property as the aircraft has ended up at a point which is technically not suppose to enter. Typically the insurer of the aircraft operator pays for repair of any damage to airport property. EMAS David DH DH EMAS beds implementation in both China and Spain were conducted according to FAAs policy. However, once ICAO recognise EMAS as suitable alternative to standard recommended RESA, ICAO position will not make any reference to FAA policies. DH In essence FAA considers an EMAS capable of decelerating range of aircrafts on a runway at 70 knots, based on the study conducted by FAA that found that 90 percent of aircraft depart the end of runway at 70knot or less. Furthermore, FAA approves such systems equivalent to 305m safety area in US. According to Zodiac Aerospace (2010) every EMAS installation was funded through AIP. However the final stage for any airport upon the acceptance of an EMAS as an effective substitute to RESA that aims to meet the ICAOs requirements is based on financial calculations. The most financial feasible option for airport usually will be chosen, whether it is to install an EMAS, shift or shorten the runway to meet the requirements (Heald, 2010). DH Additionally if there is a situation where there are physical constraints that are not practical to remove such as highways, railways and any topographical features that would cause the cost to be so high as to preclude that area, an EMAS becomes an appropriate choice. According to ESCO (2008), airports also tend to deploy EMAS where there have been environmental concerns associated with expansion of RESA such as physical cost of acquisition. DH As it was pointed out by DH, China was the first country to adopt EMAS outside US, using it to maximise its runway safety margins at high-altitude airport in Jiuzhaigou (FSF, 2006). DH One of the most critical advantages of EMAS over normal RESA is that its predictable static properties as oppose to RESA which could be influenced significantly by adverse weather conditions. EMAS has been designed not to be impacted by meteorological conditions. Furthermore, the performance of an overrunning aircraft on a grassy RESA with length of 240m is unpredictable, as the grass could be wet, muddy or frozen. As the results, even a recommended RESA at poor weather condition might fail to accommodate an overrunning aircraft in case of which the properties of grounds surface have been compromised such that it will not support the weight of the aircraft. DH On May 25, 2008, a Kalitta Air B747-200 overran runway 20 of the Brussels Airport, Belgium after a Rejected Take-Off. According to the final accident report by Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU), the aircraft came to halt 300m after the threshold where pilot escape slide was going down to railway bed. There were no fatalities however the aircraft was completely destroyed and broken down in three parts. Although runway 20 meets the ICAO minimum requirements but it does not conform to the ICAO recommendation as the extension of RESA is extremely costly. There will be a serious cost issue since runway 20 is geographically constraint due to the presence of the railway tracks on one end and existence of motorway from the other end. DH Moreover, AAIU have recommended Brussels Airport Authorities to consider installing EMAS to maximise the braking effect. Computational analysis conducted by AAIU proves that in case of EMAS in placed within the RESA, the aircraft would have came to halt within the designated RESA and the level of severity to the B747-200 would have been significantly minimised (AAIU, 2009). DH EMAS is a new technology and even in US, it was not until 2005 after FAA released Advisory Circle 5200.9 which finally established a policy on its application. According to Zodiac Aerospace, ICAO has started studying EMAS since early 2008 and moreover ICAO revises its annex every 7 years. DH From the primary research conducted it is found that EMAS manufacturer will work voluntarily free of charge with any airport worldwide to help them develop a preliminary propose solution as well as estimating preliminary cost of installing EMAS at ends of their runways (Zodiac Aerospace, 2010). For instance it has already been done for 5 airports in India and 6 airports in Thailand free of charge. DH EMAS manufacturer states that it was not until 2006 that they felt their product is appropriate and ready for international market, as they are producing third generation of EMAS. The previous generations required high level of maintenance such that for the cases of airports in US which have deployed EMAS before 2006 require to resurface their EMAS bed every 3 to 5 years which could cost them between US $100,000 to US $300,000 (ESCO, 2010b) which is a significant drawback to ownership. Furthermore, EMAS manufacturer were not keen to enter international market prior to the introduction of the most recent generation EMASMAX where it does not have a maintenance intensive nature. EMASMAX bed eliminates large cost of ownership which encouraged Zodiac Aerospace to promote its product more confidently to international market. DH Today many airport mangers are reluctant to deploy EMAS within their RESA even though there are significant amount of evidence that supports the effectiveness of such proposal. Currently there are no acknowledgements made by ICAO to support airports which are suffering from lack of inadequate safety margins at their RESA to consider EMAS as an approved and efficient substitute. DH EMAS recommends airports with runways having inadequate RESA to benefit from EMAS as an alternative technology. In some countries transportation safety department recognise the effectiveness of such device, however regulator still remains to be reluctant and fails to acknowledge and respond to such proposal. DH In April 2008, Austrailian Civil Aviation Safety Administration (CASA) part 139 aerodrome standards were revised to permit an alternative Engineering solution to be deployed within RESA (CASA, 2009). They used engineering solution rather than EMAS since it would have appeared to be recommending a manufacturer rather than a safety concept. However, EMAS organisation is the only company approved by FAA to install EMAS beds. DH CASA has completed the project of ensuring all of it air carrier runways to meet ICAO requirements except runway 25 at Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport (FSF, 2008). Although RESAs have been adopted for the other five runways fairly simply however runway 25 had been challenged by physical constrains to extend its RESA in order to meet ICAO requirement. Runway 25 abutted a major highway, airport perimeter road and a river which introduced heavy cost issues as the airport authorities decided to build a RESA above the obstructions. According to project manager Mr. Plummer (2010) the final cost of building the sixth and final RESA at Sydney airport was around $AU100 million which contradicts with published information on Sydney airport website that states Sydney Airports $AU100 million runway safety project is completed on the 1st of April 2010 which cover the cost of extension of all six runways. DH In addition, while the construction was being carried out, Airport authority opted to establish temporary RESA for runway 25 by reducing the take-off and landing distance on the 2529m runway by 97 meters (FSF, 2008). The criticisms still remain against Sydney airport authority as they failed to acknowledge the revised aerodrome standard made by CASA which effectively permitted airports to deploy an engineering solution to enhance their RESA safety margins. Having spent over $AU25 million just on the final sixth they still have not reaches ICAOs standard recommended practices, moreover, they could have install EMAS for another $AU6 million (EMAS, 2010). DH Having established that, from ICAOs point of view Sydney airport currently meets the standards, however, there is a little motivation for airport such as Sydney to endeavour to reach the ICAO recommended practice particularly if the airport is owned and operated by a profit driven organisation. Moreover, in case of an overrun accident Sydney airport authority will not be in a position to defend themselves if they will asked on what basis they did not try to meet the recommended practice as they failed to deploy engineering solutions according to part-139 to mitigate risks and promote higher level of safety. Certainly it is beyond financial feasibility considerations as they could have invested a few more million dollars in installing EMAS which would driven their RESA safety standard more towards recommended practice than minimum requirement. The Australian Airports Association reported to the Air Transportation Safety Board that the Association does not believe a safety case for extending RESAs beyond 90 m in length can be mounted or sustained (ATSB, 2009). DH Currently, ICAO is looking into permitting arresting systems to be installed within runway RESA. In addition, ICAO is focusing to revise runway strip specifications, as of now, only objects allowed in runway strip are navigation aids provided that they are not hazards to operating aircraft. However, once the specifications are revised the outcome might allow navigational aids as well as aircraft safety systems in the runway strip. This revision will permit EMAS to be installed 11 meter from the runway end (EMAS, 2010). As DH suggests, The safety of the flying public and the credibility of our industry depends on making the right choices, and on implementing new technologies. We must choose wisely and we must always choose safety. SMS According to Morier (2005), the traditional approach to safety management was particularly concentrated on following certain required standards and react after the accidents has taken place which blinded the authorities to look beyond the regulation. They failed to concentrate on how safety margin could be enhanced which is strongly adopted by SMS (Kikland, 2001). As SMS is adopted the mentality and the safety culture existed within the implemented aviation organisation has been significantly improved where management by oversight has been replaced by management insight (Leveson, 2004). In line with this, Kirkland (2001b) states that UK CAA has altered its safety regulation policy from enforcing rules into auditing and mitigating. Currently there are many aerodrome licensees around the world that fail adopt a SMS to minimise risks to reduce the likelihood of an overrun. A crucial driver in order to implement SMS in an aviation organisation is the general willing of the managers to improve the safety standards considering operational and economical efficiencies in case of adopting SMS (ICAO, 2006). SMS has a proactive nature which tends to solve and rectify shortfalls prior to an accident. SMS is effectively based on the accidents and incidents reports as well as other daily reports which encounter any unsafe area which could cause vulnerability to the system. once the area with certain level of risk is identified, specific mitigating measures can be adopted according to the level of severity of the risk. Consequently, SMS enables an airport to evaluate its safety standards as it is more transparent and clear to measure (ICAO, 2006). As SMS is a continuous cycle, it continues to be updated and improved once it is implemented within an organisation, therefore it gradually become a uniform process which starts with risk identification, followed by risk evaluation, implementing mitigation measures and finally monitoring their effectiveness in managing the identified risks (Mitchell, 2010). According to ICAO, SMS adopted by an airport is defined as; A system for the management of safety at aerodromes including the organisational structure, responsibilities, processes and provisions for the implementation of aerodrome safety policies by an aerodrome operator, which provides for the control of safety at, and the safe use of, the aerodrome (ICAO 2002b). SMS ha s various advantages to the tradition approach. SMS is based on collecting and analysing relevant factors to monitor and manage risks. This method as it is based on quantitative as well qualitative evidences, avoid the previous influential human judgement. Another advantage of using SMS is it allows the organisation not only to identify yet to prioritise various challenges according to their level of severity (DOT, 2006). Once the SMS is adopted, the airport automatically becomes more practical in monitoring risks and implementing robust procedures to manage safety (CAA, 2003). Unfortunately, there are still cost issues which prevent an SMS to be adopted by many aviation organisations, particularly in third world countries. This is why the later stage of this report will focus on a cost analysis of installing an engineering device within RESA of Mangalore Airport in India, in order to enhance the survivability of the passengers in a case of an overrun. Summaryof just SMS Excursion accidents are not just about an adequate RESA or EMAS, in fact they are involved precision approaches, the ability to stabilise the approach for the pilot and landing on the touchdown zone at the right end of the runway. Moreover, ability to take the most appropriate exit for pilot while having the freedom to taxi to terminal without undue pressure of having taken an exit. Overall, EMAS is a mitigator not a preventer (Eurocontrol, 2010). It must not be forgotten to invest on the ways which the overrun accident could have been prevented from happening. The very first step must be focused on tracking and identifying contributing factors and how effectively it can be managed to enhance safety margins. However, this thesis focuses on improving safety margins while minimising the severity level of damages post-overrun accident. . EMAS Financial Feasibility This part focuses to answer the final objective of this thesis which is to evaluate the financial feasibility of installing EMAS. To study this, a case study is proposed which is based on the most recent fatal overrun accident that occurred in India, Mangalore Airport, which killed 158 people onboard, on the 22nd of May 2010. Air India Express was operating B737-800 which overran the 2450m (8,033ft) runway number 06/24 (Hindustan Times, 2010). Financial calculation for installing EMAS will be structured according to FAA Order 5200.9 (FAA, 2005) however there are some assumptions and estimations in the calculation due to limited data received from Mangalore Airport. Mangalores overrun The accident report is yet to be completed by Indias accident investigation unit, however according to Hepher (2010a), the aircraft landed long and over shot the runway and consequently ended up in a steep ravine at the end of the runway. As the aircraft was overrunning the end of the runway, it damaged the Instrument Landing System (ILS) localiser antenna which is an instrument to provide precision guidance to operating crew of an aircraft which is approaching and landing on a runway. Only the damaged caused to the ILS significant delays or cancelled number of flight which took Mangalores airport authority more than a month to return to their normal/scheduled operation. The Boeing 737-800 is counted and known as one of the most reliable and competitive aircraft in the current market which is operated by many airline all over the world. It current price in the market is between 66-75 million dollars (Hepher, 2010b). According to Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) (2010) Mangalore crash is the worst accident involving 737-800 so far. In addition according to Ranganathan (2010), The Air India Express crash was waiting to happen. The current level of safety standards adopted in Indian civil aviation authority are significantly below the SARPs required by ICAO, particularly regarding the Aerodrome design. Even though there have some changes and amendments made in the regulation in order to rectify some of the issues but systematic rot is so deep (Gupta, 2010). Recent countrys robust growth promoted rapid growth and need for air travel. Indias international market for air travel has tripled between 2000 and 2008 (IATA, 2009) but its infrastructural safety margin are stretched beyond the recommended safe level by ICAO. Even though the runway 06/24 met the required RESA by ICAO and adequate runway length was provided for B737-800 to land but its adopted safety margins for its RESA did not allow any room for error in case of an overrun or veer-off. As previously mentioned, runway excursions make quarter of air transport accidents and incident (IFALPA, 2008) and yet there is still no unified standard for RESA and installation of safety areas where they are potentially needed to minimise the possibility of runway overruns. According to an anonymous Indian official involved in aviation, A disaster was waiting to happen and we have been very lucky to have had no major accidents in the past 10 years,. This is in line with Indias director of general civil aviation Mr. Gohain statement in April 2008 which reportedly said that India had just three inspectors for 10 commercial airlines and 600 planes. (worldaviationjournal, 2010). According to ICAOs safety audit, India was listed as the worst country in terms of technical personnel qualification and training(ICAO, 2006). The crash at Mangalore airport occur just about four after a similar fatal accident was prevented. The aircraft came to halt within designated safety area at Charleston Airport, (West Virginia), where the airport authority installed EMAS to enhance the level of survivability of their RESAs. Only after such disastrous event, Indian civil aviation authority decides to extend the runway 06/24 from 2450m to 2743m where as the result its RESA will extend too (Aviation Week, 2010). However, if there was an EMAS installed prior to the accident not only so many lives would have been saved but many unfavourable costs to airlines and airport would have avoided. Therefore next section will focus on cost analysis of installing an EMAS at Mangalore airport. EMAS is one of the alternative ways which airport authorities could have adopted in order maximise the safety margins. Consequently, the level of severity of the crash could have been significantly reduced if not completely avoided. DP -Believ es that if AAI had followed and adopted specific safety measures by studying the accident predictive model which was developed by Wong (2007), they could have saved so many lived but they ignored such safety implementations. DP- The cost of an overrun accident can be more many time more than the cost of mitigating the risks but unfortunately, cost minimisation has been considered more important than safety maximisation where airports decided to choose an option which offer lower margin error but it costs less. DP-Pitfield (2010) states in case where there is no adequate RESA is in place, airport authority should also consider closing the runway since there is no margin of an error unless the runway is long enough to extend the RESA without introducing operational limitations to the airport. DP- Even though the Pilots operated many time to that particular airport, Pitfield states that they are not the main people to be blamed. The most destructive factor is the some shortfalls of present airport safety area regulations which are not uniformly monitored around the world. However the existing shortfalls in the present RESA regulation are gradually improved by introduction of Safety Management System (SMS) (Pitfield, 2010). However he still believes that there would be still institutional infrastructural constraints on implementing RESA from an aerodrome perspective. EMAS Installation Cost at Mangalore Airport The financial feasibility is considered vital, since it is one the most effective alternative options for airports particularly facing geographical limitations, consequently they are constraints by terrains or obstacles to extend their RESA. There are number of ways to calculate EMAS installation cost, however the most recommended way is followed by a guideline produced by FAA Order 5200.9 and EMAS manufacturer (Zodiac Aerospace). Airport Authority of India (AAI) agreed to provide the author up-to-date information regarding runway 06/24 to estimate the cost of installing an EMAS at both ends of the runway. In order to calculate the cost certain factors specific to the airport must be considered; EMAS must be capable of safely bringing a DESIGN/CRITICAL aircraft (which is in most cases the most frequent and heaviest aircraft that uses the runway) overrunning the threshold (end of runway) with a speed of 70 knots. The accident investigation unit has not yet reported the speed which B737-800 overran the end of runway at Mangalore airp
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Importance of Informal Education Essay -- essays papers
The Importance of Informal Education Informal education has for a long time been considered very controversial in the education world and looked upon as just for entertainment. Informal education is commonly defined as learning that takes outside of formal school settings. Informal education can be things such as field trips to science centers, aquariums, museums, zoos, or planetariums. All of the following places are considered to be "informal settings" because they are all outside the classroom area. An educational curator at a small museum in Jackson Hole, Wyoming is as much an informal educator as a director of educational programs for the Smithsonian Institution. Often informal educators are retired K-12 teachers that have received additional training and have therefore been thrust into a more prominent role to teaching the nation’s students about mathematics and science. Many people look at field trips as pointless and unbeneficial to students at any age. But many will argue that informal education is only helpful when students have prior knowledge of the subject from formal education before going out of the classroom to learn. The role of prior knowledge in learning is considered of utmost importance in designing effective educational programs. Informal education is very common with science subjects. Most students cannot understand scientific principles by reading out of a book because textbooks and paper handouts can be very dry and boring. Going on field trips to informal settings reinforces what students learn from their teachers and help them understand the topics better. Public understanding of science is considered to be one of the most important issues facing educators in today’s technological world. It is see... ...ormal education to step up and play a more significant role. Informal education activities should no longer be looked upon as "a day away from school" but rather an opportunity to further learning and have fun doing it. Informal education settings are unique from the usual classroom location so it is refreshing to learn in a different place, just like so many students enjoy when they learn as a class outside in the warm breeze after a long cold winter. Informal education provides students with a new outlook on learning and makes them more attentive. But more importantly, informal education assists formal education; it does not replace it by any means. While it is hard to find a "perfect exhibit" to fit everyone’s needs, informal educators are doing the best they can. In the words of Frank Oppenheimer, founder of the San Francisco Exploratorium, "no one flunks museum."
Monday, November 11, 2019
Garbage Pollution
I would like to acknowledge all the persons who have helped me to complete this assignment. These persons are my mother and my social studies teacher. Introduction This school based assessment is based on garbage pollution. The area chosen for survey on garbage pollution is the community of august town. You will learn about the causes that contribute to garbage pollution and the effects of it. The person’s views of garbage pollution will also be taken into consideration.All refuse other than industrial waste and effluents. It consists largely of easily decomposable and putrefying organic (animal and vegetable) waste from preparation, handling, storage, and sale of serving of food.Statement of Problem Why is garbage pollution one of the major issues of my community? What are the effects of it and how it can be solved? Reason for Investigation The reason for this investigation is due to inconsistency of appearances of the garbage collectors assigned to the august town community. And when the garbage is not collected it causes garbage pollution which attracts rodents and insects which can be dangerous to the human health due to the diseases that they carry. Another reason is to research and know different means by which the community cleanliness and beauty can improve.Method of Investigation The researcher has chosen the questionnaire as a use for the investigation in attaining data. It is a simple way of collecting data and does no requires too much time. Procedures for Data Collection The research was conducted on September 1, 2012, on garbage pollution in the community of august town. The researcher walked around the community and distributed 30 questionnaires, randomly to persons that were seen, including friends and family. The questionnaires were given to persons between the ages of 12 to 18 years old.Out of the total respondents 15 were females and 15 were males. Getting the information that was necessary for the questionnaire on the spot made it much easier and it also saved allot of time. But I ensured that each respondent spend enough time completing it so it wasn’t being done in much has te.Questionnaire for Community MembersSex Male ( )Female ( )Age 12-15yrs ( )16-18yrs ( )Where in August Town do you live? Central August Town ( ) Brycill ( ) Hermitage ( ) Goldsmith Villa ( ) Bedward Garden ( ) Vietnam ( ) Jungle 12 ( ) Barrette Drive ( ) Bedward Crescent ( ) July rd. )How long have you live in the community? 1-4yrs ( ) 5-7yrs ( ) 8-10yrs ( ) others ( )Are you an environmental friendly person? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you have a problem with garbage pollution? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you recognise how dangerous is garbage pollution to our environment? Yes ( ) No ( )How does garbage pollution affect you negatively? Causes flies to be around ( ) Attracts Rodents ( ) Emits foul scent ( )Do you think that politics has to deal with how good you get service for garbage collection? Yes ( ) No ( ) Not Sure ( )How often do the garbage collectors collect your garbage? Every day ( ) Weekly ( ) Monthly ( )What do you think can make the garbage collectors come on time? More money for their job s ( ) More discipline ( ) Fired if continuously unpunctual ( ) If they are treated with more respect from community members ( )Do you litter? Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )Would you support recycling? Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe ( )Have you ever called the garbage company about the corrosion of garbage? Yes ( ) No ( ) Thought about it ( )Has the rodents and insects attracted to the garbage pollution ever affected you with any sickness or diseases? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you treat the rubbish collectors with respect? Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )What is the longest time the garbage collector has ever taken to collect your garbage? 1 Week ( ) 1 Month ( )2 Month ( ) 3 Month ( ) other ( )Have you ever witnessed someone in the community littering and you tell them to pick it up? Yes ( ) No ( ) Afraid ( ) No because I do the same ( )Who should be blamed for garbage pollution the most?Me ( ) Persons who litter on the street ( ) the government systems the garbage collectors ( )Who should be blamed if the g arbage pollution attracts insects and rodents which give leptospirosis, malaria, yellow fever and other diseases to children? Me ( ) persons who litter on the street ( ) the government system ( ) the garbage collectors ( )Presentation of data These are the views of the august town residents showing how often the garbage collectors collect their garbage. 3. 3% of them say that garbage is collected daily, 10% say that it is collected weekly, and 86. % of them say it is collected monthly. Suggested options from residents to make garbage collectors be more punctual These are the opinions of residents on what they think would make the garbage collectors be more punctual. 40% of the residents think that if they received more money for their jobs they would be more punctual. 30% of them believe that if they are treated with more respect from community members they would be more punctual. 16. 7% say that if they have more discipline they would come on time, and 13. 3% say that they should be fired if ontinuously unpunctual. This is a diagram showing the ratio of persons in percentages who litter, which also contributes to garbage pollution. Though 50% of the respondents litter sometimes, and 17% per cent of them do litter, I congratulate the 33% of the persons who do not litter. These persons are environmental friendly and contribute to the cleanliness of the environment. This is a representation of the longest period that garbage has been ever been collected. 3. 3% say that the longest garbage has ever been collected is a period of one week. 3% say that the longest time for collection is one month, 20% say two month, and 13. 3% say three months. And the other 30% say others which mean it extends the period of three months. This is a diagram which shows the persons being blamed for pollution by residents. 63% of the persons litter on the streets and are blamed for the pollution because they contribute to it the most. 13. 3% blame the government, 13. 3% blame the garbage collectors, and 10% says â€Å"me†which means they blame themselves for the pollution. Analysis of interpretation of dataGarbage pollution is a problem in the community that must be solved especially because of its negative effects such as; causing flies to be around, attracts rodents, and emits foul scent. During taking the views of the residents into consideration, I realised that most persons were affected negatively by the rodents.Pests such as rats were seen th e most as rodents, and can be very dangerous especially due to the fact that they can give diseases which are dangerous to humans. Most persons garbage is collected monthly which also contributes to pollution because it gives more time for the garbage to become in excessive amount.This causes more of the person’s garbage not being collected at a punctual time which makes the residents angry, frustrated, and wondering why does collection takes so long. One of the main problems is that the garbage collectors don’t come on time, which causes the garbage collection, but most persons believe that if they were being paid more money they would be more punctual. Some of the same persons who have a problem with the garbage pollution are some of the same ones who are contributing to it, especially the persons who litter on the street.There are also persons who do not litter but still has to face some of the effects of garbage pollution especially the amount of rodents. Another n egative effect is the long length of time that the garbage collectors take to collect the garbage, because the longer it takes for the garbage to be collected is the worse the pollution will be and the effects of it. During the various conversations with the residents I was informed that the longest garbage had not been collected for, is about three to six months.I think the government should implement garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be improved and do not take place again. Persons who are blamed the most for garbage pollution are the persons who litter on the street, especially because they make it difficult for the environment to be cleanly. Statement of finding * The persons who litter on the streets are seen as one of the main factors for garbage pollution.The longer the garbage is taken to be collected are the worse the garbage pollution gets and the negative effects of it. If garbage collectors are being paid more money their interest would be increased, so they would more likely collect the garbage’s on time. Recommendation As said before I the researcher believe that the government should implement garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be improved and do not take place again. The residents should also give the garbage collectors more respect, and make the environment better by not littering either. Bibliography Social Studies CSEC Module By; Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw Garbage: Pollution Garbage pollution means littering civic waste particularly household waste into places not designated to dispose it off. It is mainly caused by mismanagement of solid waste when garbage is not lifted from streets and areas to carry it to landfill sites for its final disposal. It all happens owing to poor system of either garbage collection.Causes of garbage pollutionPollution of garbage increases in cities and towns where there is no proper system of garbage collection. Households have to simply collect the entire garbage of their houses and place it to outside home in dustbin or bag. Its collection is the task of civic agency of the area. If garbage collection agency or contractor does not play its role properly and does not collect the garbage regularly then the problem of this kind of pollution would obviously arise.Improper disposal mechanism is another cause of this type of pollution. If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area of responsibility b ut does not dispose it off in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. It would eventually cause several diseases due to mushrooming growth of harmful bacteria in it. Effects of garbage pollutionIn least developed countries mostly garbage is dumped in open or freely available places and to make its final disposal entire garbage is burnt and no one stops them because of un-awareness. Burning garbage not only adds land pollution after being fully burnt but it also becomes source of air pollution by emitting harmful gases while burning. It is called one of the worst air polluting acts because it remains directly in breathing zone of human beings.Garbage pollution is main cause of various bacterial diseases and gastro is one of them. Moreover, typhoid, malaria and various infectious diseases are also caused by it. Mosquitoes and other insects amasses in places where there are piles of garbage and ultimately spread various diseases in the area. Solutions for garbage pollutionThe key solution for garbage pollution lies in proper management of solid waste. Apart from that there are three slogans to address this issue; reduce, reuse and recycle. In this way garbage pollution issue could be solved with simply community efforts. Here reduce means to generate garbage less means fully use the thing and then treat it as garbage like write on every inch of a paper and then through it as useless. Similarly reuse means if possible use again and again an item instead of throwing it away; for example if you buy oil in a bottle so after consuming that oil use the bottle to keep any other liquid item in it like liquid soap or dish washer liquid etc. Recycle means instead of disposing of garbage in landfill site sort out from it the things which can be made reusable after slight treatment to it like cans, tins, bottles et
Friday, November 8, 2019
Role Of Queen In Beowulf & Grendel Essays - Beowulf, Geats
Role Of Queen In Beowulf & Grendel Essays - Beowulf, Geats Role of Queen in Beowulf & Grendel In both texts, Beowulf and Grendel, the main purpose of the Queen's are to serve the courts as "weavers of peace". In Grendel however, Queen Wealththeow is described in much greater detail and serves a further purpose. The reader gains insight to a part Grendel that is not present in Beowulf, his desire for a human. It was not unusual for women to be offered as tokens of peace within the noble courts. In the novel Grendel, Wealhtheow's brother, King of the Helmings, bestowed her to King Hrothgar to promote peace amongst the Helmings and Scyldings. "She had given, her life for those she loved. So would any simpering, eyelash batting female in her court, given the proper setup, the minimal conditions"(Grendel, p.102). It is ironic how she promoted peace from her arrival because she was an essential part in keeping peace, as the "weaver of peace" in the later of both texts. Queen Wealhtheow however is not the only woman in the texts that was forsaken to encourage appeasement amongst feuding courts. Queen Hygd was offered to Hygelac under very similar circumezces as told in Beowulf, and portrayed the same role in Hygelac's kingdom. There is reference in both texts concerning this tradition, and it is evident to the reader that this is not an unusual Anglo-Saxon custom. Queen Wealhtheow and Queen Hygd served as excellent role models for the courts in which they served. They exemplified the mannerisms and etiquette of the noble people. Queen Wealhtheow showed excellent poise from the very beginning of both texts. She was admirable as she passed the mead bowl around Heorot. The offering of the bowl was symbolic, being that the bowl was first given to Hrothgar and then passed to Beowulf, as if she presented him with her trust. Beowulf gave Wealhtheow his guarantee that he would be successful or die in battle. After she presented Hrothgar and Beowulf with the mead bowl she served the Scyldings, and did so as if they were her own people. She was not a Scylding, nor did she desire to be one, but she never made her unhappiness known, as described in Grendel. There is not great detail on Queen Hygd in Grendel, but from what the reader can gather from Beowulf, she is as much of a female role model as Queen Wealhtheow. She was young but very intelligent. In fact King Hygelac felt intimidated by Hygds intelligence. Queen Hygd was unlike Wealhtheow in the way in which she did not bare many gifts. Hygd was more concerned about the future of the people of her kingdom succeeding Hygelacs death than Wealhtheow. Hygd offered Beowulf the kingdom because she believed it was in the best interest of the people, she loved the warriors and wished peace amongst all the people. Wealtheow on the other hand felt that the kingdom should be preserved for her sons. Wealhtheow spoke after the "fight at Finnsburg" about the importance of her sons taking over the kingdom in the poem Beowulf, and this reminds Hrothgar of his age. This same speech affected Hrothgar in both texts. It forced him to contemplate his worthiness of Wealhtheow. He realized that she was young and beautiful, and need not be with an old man. Which made his sorrow even worse is the fact that she knew all this as well. Queen Wealhtheow put up an excellent disguise when hiding the pain she experienced from being forced to be Hrothgars wife. Unlike in Beowulf, in Grendel the reader was given insight into Wealhtheow's sorrow. The only time she would display her unhappiness was when she would lie in bed at night with Hrothgar with her eyes full of tears. Sometimes she would leave the kingdom to dwell in her sorrows but she would be immediately surrounded by guards, and escorted inside. Wealhtheow was homesick, she missed her land, and her brother. When her brother visited Heorot she paid no attention to Hrothgar, and Hrothgar fulfilled passing around the mead bowl. In Grendel, it told of Hrothgar's love for wealhtheow. He would often stare at her in admiration. Despite her resentment she treated Hrothgar with much respect, she always looked
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Prevention and Control of Common Conifer Tree Diseases
Prevention and Control of Common Conifer Tree Diseases Like any kind of tree, the conifer is susceptible to a number of diseases that can damage or destroy it. Sometimes, these diseases strike trees in the forest; other times, only urban or suburban trees are stricken. Dead and dying trees are unsightly but theyre also a potential safety hazard. In populated areas, rot can cause limbs to drop or entire trees to collapse, especially during storms. In forested areas, dead trees can dry out, creating fuel for potential forest fires. By learning how to recognize different conifer diseases, you can improve the health of trees on your property and preserve the integrity of the local ecosystem. Types of Conifer Disease Softwood or coniferous trees can be harmed or killed by disease-causing organisms called pathogens. The most common tree diseases are caused by fungi, though some diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses. Fungi lack chlorophyll and derive nourishment by feeding on (parasitizing) trees. Many fungi are microscopic but some are visible in the form of mushrooms or conks. Other factors affecting tree disease include climate and where the tree or trees are planted. Not all parts of a tree may be affected or exhibit symptoms. Disease may strike the needles, stem, trunk, roots, or some combination thereof. In some instances, trees can be saved by applying pesticides, trimming the diseased portions, or removing neighboring trees to provide more room. In other cases, the only solution is to remove the tree entirely. Needle Cast Needle cast is a group of tree diseases that cause conifers to shed needles. The symptoms of needle cast tree disease first appear on needles as light green to yellow spots, which eventually turn red or brown. Tiny black fruiting bodies form on the surface of the needles before or after the infected needles are shed. If left untreated, fungal growth can kill the entire needle. Treatment options include applying fungicides, removing diseased needles at first sign of infection, and trimming neighboring greenery to prevent overcrowding. Needle Blight This group of needle blight tree diseases, including Diplodia, Dothistroma and brown spot, attack conifers at the needles and on twig tips. Infected needles often fall from the tree, creating a denuded look. Blight can result in dramatic browning of the foliage, beginning on the lower branches. Repeated annual cycles of infection can result in dead limbs and eventual loss of any meaningful ornamental value. The most effective treatment option is copper fungicide spray, but you may have to spray repeatedly in order to break the life cycle of the fungi that causes blight. Canker, Rust, and Blister The term canker is used to describe a dead or blistered area in the bark, branch, trunk of an infected tree. Dozens of species of fungi cause canker diseases. Cankers often appear as waxy discharge on the bark. Blisters or galls appear on branches and look like cysts or tumors on the surface of the bark and may also occasionally produce a waxy or yellowish discharge. Often, lower branches will be the first to show symptoms. Treatment options include pruning affected areas and applying a fungicide. Wilts and Root Diseases These are wood-decay diseases. They may get in through wounds in the lower part of the tree or penetrate roots directly. They involve the roots and in some cases the butt also. These fungi travel from tree to tree either through the air or soil. Symptoms include die-off of needles on entire branches or limbs, peeling bark, and dropped branches. As rot progresses, the underlying root structure decays, making the tree unstable. Treatment options are few; in many cases, the entire tree must be removed. If you plan to treat a diseased tree yourself, remember to follow all product directions if using fungicide. Make sure you are properly equipped and wearing goggles, gloves, and other safety gear if you plan to remove part or all of a tree. When in doubt, call a professional tree service. Sources Murray, Madeline. Diseases of Conifers. Utah State University Extension. 3 February 2009.Pataky, Nancy. Common Conifer Diseases of Forests. The University of Illinois Extension. 2009.Wollaeger, Heidi. Preventing, Diagnosing, and Managing Diseases in Conifers. Michigan State University Extension. 5 December 2013.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Disucssion question about teaching ELL learners in their own langauge, Essay
Disucssion question about teaching ELL learners in their own langauge, and do i - Essay Example In practice, this is a complicated question. Too often, students are taught exclusively in their native language, and never encouraged to learn the new language. Research bears out, it takes years to develop an understanding of a new language, so it is beneficial for the student to continue learning in their home language and allow time to solidify knowledge in the new language. One has to ask, does bi-lingual education mean teaching all ELL learners in predominant ELL language of the geographical area? If not, then how could students of more obscure languages find adequate instruction; surely, not all public schools can accommodate Vietnamese or Russian students without greatly sacrificing the quality of instruction. In theory, I don’t think there should be a question of whether it’s necessary. A democratic society doesn’t have to ask if it â€Å"believes†in multi-culturalism, as pluralism is inherent in the very foundation of our republic. What I know, is that by not encouraging bi-lingualism and progressively defined education, our nation will distinguish the flame of creativity that has carried America to international prominence over the last two
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Macroeconomic Policy and Diversity Conservation Research Paper
Rhetorical Analysis Macroeconomic Policy and Diversity Conservation - Research Paper Example The article may not be emotional in its tone due to the nature of the literature which is academic writing that follows the formal rules of writing, but the topic nevertheless touched on our concern about the environment. It appeals to our sense of responsibility that we have to do something to save our environment from degradation and to do that we should regulate the pollutants emitted by industry. The topic has emotional significance to the readers because the reader is aware how ruined our ecosphere is and how it contributes to global warming. Considering the source of the journal which is EBSCOhost, the article has the assurance of the integrity of its argument to be grounded on sound scientific study having been scrutinized by the stringent academic standard. This was evident with how the author argued on how to regulate the industry by using the government’s macroeconomic tools to regulate the emission of industrial pollutants from an economist point of view. The author wrote with authority to convey that she is an authority on the subject.Being an academic journal, the article posed its appeal to the readers using logic or logos. It reasoned that by taxing heavily industries which pollute, it could encourage business to be ecologically responsible. The variations of the government’s macroeconomic policy which are the fiscal and monetary tools were argued from the point of the reason how the author’s proposal is feasible in controlling industrial pollution.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Ethical Theories of Utilitarianism and Kantianism Essay
Ethical Theories of Utilitarianism and Kantianism - Essay Example According to the paper the manager Michael has faced an ethical situation in his family’s business of metal components. The current economic crisis has created strong challenges to Michael in sustaining his family business. On the other hand, one of his unskilled, but loyal workers, John, who started working for the company even at a time when Michael’s grandfather was running the business, has developed some unhealthy behaviors at the workplace which caused Michael lot of headaches. Michael knows that John’s wife and only son died in a car crash a year ago and that, to cope with his loss, John has taken to drinking alcohol. Michael has repeatedly talked with John about this problem but this has not changed John’s behavior. Even though Michael decided to cut down all the unproductive sectors including the unproductive problematic employees also, he decided to keep John on. This paper briefly analyses Michael’s decision to keep John on the basis of e thical theories of utilitarianism and Kantianism. This study outlines that the main ethical issue involved in this case was about John’s future. He has started his career even when Michael’s grandfather was running the business and moreover John has spent majority of his healthy periods for the company and worked hard for the company as a loyal worker. Right now he is rapidly approaching the end of period of his life both as a worker and a human being. Is it right to fire a worker who spent majority of his life for the wellbeing of a company during a period when he was about to retire? Another ethical issue involved in the above case was that John has lost his entire family in an accident and left alone in this world by destiny. Apart from his family, the company was the second entity in which John was constantly interacting. Is it right for the company to fire such a loyal worker when he was left alone in this world, especially when considering his earlier services to the organization?
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Effect On the Viewer of the Film Twister Essay Example for Free
The Effect On the Viewer of the Film Twister Essay In this essay I am going to consider the effect on the viewer and discuss how the film creates suspense at the beginning of the film Twister. The background was just grey clouds that suddenly got swept away. All the effects are computer generated. Behind a classical song you could hear the sound of gushing wind and thunders. This was done to set the right atmosphere for the film. The title twister is an American saying for a cyclone. Cyclone is a more geographical word that would be used as a title for a documentary. The word twister gives us more of an idea of what the movie is about. The letters of the title get swept away. This also sets an atmosphere of the film. The camera slowly focuses on the title with a background sound of a low slow sound as it gets closer and closer to the title. This keeps the viewer in suspense as the film starts. The opening shots of the film were the surroundings of the farm. It is all at different times as well. The first shot was in the morning where the sky was all blue, the second shot was a lake with woods in the background, the birds were singing and the frogs were croaking. This indicated a peaceful countryside. The next shot was of dark clouds and nightfall had begun, you could hear the crickets singing as the storm approached. The last shot was of thunder and howling winds. It sounded like there was no life left on the farm. All the wildlife had disappeared. This gave the viewers an impression that something was going to happen. The farmhouse has trees surrounding it with lighting striking above the house. This makes the house seem sinister. When the camera shows the viewers, inside the house it changes the viewers opinions into thinking that it is not the house that is sinister its the movie, because it shows us a young girl sleeping peacefully next to a dog. The dog represents peace and a cozy family. There were pictures on the walls that add that cozy atmosphere of the house. It was a family of three and a dog. The mother and child were asleep upstairs with the dog; the father was drinking tea watching the news. When the warnings came on the T.V. the farmer gets his wife and child. This gives the viewers more information about the film. The presenter on the news talks about the surrounding states that have been struck by this cyclone. The mood suddenly changes. The dog starts to whine and the mother rushes in to get the little girl out of the house. The mood changes from calm, peaceful and homely to frantic, stressed and hectic. The father shouts orders as the family tries to get out of the house as quickly as possible. We need to get down to the storeroom NOW! This type of atmosphere creates tension amongst its viewers. To give the viewers empathy the mother had flowers on her nightgown and the little girl had teddy bears on it. The little girl was worried about what was going on, and the mother was saying things like: come on sweetie and Mummys got you. These words were used to pity the viewers. This gives the viewers suspense into getting the family out of the house for safety. The father rushed them to the storeroom. The trees were falling behind them leaving the dog behind. As they were rushing to the storeroom they were passing a toy tractor. This would make the viewers think about the playful child that might not live through the big storm. Just as they left the house the camera focused on the television telling people in that area to find shelter. As they were running to the storeroom the camera focused on the trees falling down on to cable wires and storage tanks. On the side of the storage tanks they said express oil LTD. This added to more fear to its viewers. This made the film seem more savage. When they were running the mother kept on looking behind her to see if any trees were falling near her. This tells the viewers that the family was running from the fierceness and savageness of the storm. As if some monster was after them and they were running for their lives. To add more tension the chickens were running around helplessly as if they had just had their heads cut off. To give the viewers more of an idea of how hard the wind was blowing the camera focused on the wind ventilator above the storeroom. In the first scene it focuses onto a farmhouse. . When they were in the storeroom they had left the dog outside. This was done to create some distress to its viewers. The dogs name was Toby. This is used to create some sympathy over the dog. It would be different if the dog were called Rex because the name isnt as soft as Toby. Rex represents a fierce character and Toby represents a cute cuddly character. In the store room the family was very tense. You could see that because the camera focused on each character one by one. First the dog who was barking, then the mother and child who were holding each other with fear. Then the father who was putting all his strength into hold the door closed. The family looked scared and helpless. When they opened the door there was two sides of atmosphere. On one side there was danger with gushing wind and loud thunders. On the other side was safety with a quiet family that was helpless. They were sweating from nervousness. The camera had a close up of the doors hinges coming loose. The door was shaking violently and there were loud thunders that sounded like growls. This made it seem as if they were trapped and nowhere to go and the dark side was trying to get in scratching, pulling at the door. The father was holding the door, but the hinges were about to come off. He shouted, I cant hold it any more! As it got louder and louder as the eye of the storm was getting closer and closer. He said this several times. This was to keep the viewer in suspense because they knew the door could come off at any moment. As he was saying this, the lighting was giving the room a short burst of light. This film creates a lot of suspense. This is done to keep the viewer interested throughout the whole film. In a review of the film it was described as only one word, Intense. The films effects were very unrealistic according to geologists. Unlike some films twister got right to the point. Every cyclone they predicted they were correct. In real life you miss more cyclones than you encounter them. I think the suspense and distress was the key thing in the film and without it, it would be a very successful movie.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Foundations Of Royal Crown Cola
The Foundations Of Royal Crown Cola In 1904, a young pharmacist graduate from Georgia began making soft drinks besides from his family business of bakery wholesale. What he knew at that time was little experiments will enhance and lead him to open a huge soft drink company that is still in work today. History: In 1905, Royal Crown cola introduced its first product names as Chero Cola and Royal Crown Ginger Ale, Royal Crown Root Beer and strawberry. In 1925, ROYAL CROWN Cola Company renamed as Chero-Cola and started name Nehi Corporation due to its coloured and flavoured drinks. Afterward a Chemist Rufus Kamm reformulated Chero-cola in 1934 and named it Royal Crown Cola. In 1950s the mixture of Moonpies and Royal Crown cola became famous as the working mans lunch in the South America. Royal Crown cola is the first to sell drink in aluminium can. In 1958 Royal Crown Cola Company launched the first diet Rite and diet cola and caffeine-free cola, Royal Crown 100 in mid of 1980s. ROYAL CROWN cola introduced Royal Crown Draft Cola in 1990 as a premium cola. Later on company also introduced Cherry ROYAL CROWN, a Flavor of Cherry to stand beside the Pepsi Wild Cherry and Coca Cola Cherry. Acquisition of Royal Crown Cola was happened in 2000 by Cadbury Schweppes plc. In 2001 Cott Beverages of Canada purchased Royal Crown Royal Crown Cola all international brands and started operating as Royal Crown Cola International. ROYAL CROWN Cola in Pakistan: Royal Crown is working in Pakistan since 1970s. It launched many brands there like Dr. Pepper, Salute Orange and Salute cola etc. In the start Royal Crown cola sales were considerably good. It made profits since 1990 but after that its position in the market started decline gradually. Now at this era ROYAL CROWN cola is having no values for the people of Pakistan and is going in loses so we can say that Royal Crown cola is badly flopped and failed in Pakistan. Royal Crown Cola Products: Royal Crown Cola Cherry ROYAL CROWN cola Diet Rite Cola ROYAL CROWN Royal Crown Draft Cola Kick Diet ROYAL CROWN cola Situation Analysis: Industry Analysis: Strength: Cold drink market in Pakistan is having a great time now days. Market of drink is above in terms of volume and income of this industry. Multinational companies have been providing quality products of carbonated drink to the consumers over the years according to the norms and values of an Islamic country. So it is enhancing the growth of economy of Pakistan in terms of soft drinks. Weakness: Cold drink market faces a fall down in full summer days as people starts using the traditional drinks like Rooh Afza, Jam-e-Shirin, Sandalwood etc which are highly appreciated by the Pakistani people. In rural areas especially these drinks are used very much. Opportunity: Beverages industry is growing day by day in Pakistan as the new comers like Gourmet Bakers made a huge entry in market but it is only in Lahore city in spite of this Bakery is making profits by reducing the sales of Pepsi and Coke because of its cheap prices. So government is encouraging the new comers to come in the market. Threats: Health and hygiene awareness among Pakistani is becoming more so they prefer to drink fruit juices products over the carbonated drink. The main reason for this awareness is the media who has started campaigns to make the people realize about the fruit products and benefits. Royal Crown Cola SWOT Analysis: Strength: In Pakistan the strength of this cola is its cheap prices. Its operating worldwide for more than 100 years. Weaknesses: International suits for law. Low Advertisement. Budget for promotion is also so low. Opportunities: Building equity for its brands. Hot weather in Pakistan Production of more suitable products to satisfy consumer needs Re launching in new market Threats: Very strong competitors in the market like Pepsi and Coke More competitors are looking to enter in the market Govt. Policies High tax rate on beverages PESTLE Analysis: Political Factor: Infect Pakistan is a democratic country but political condition now days is very worst. Investment in private sector is equal to none. Tax is levied heavily on beverages industry. Certain ratio of tax goes directly to the account of President of Pakistan. Trade agreement is supported but there are also strict restrictions following these. There is no regulation in the favour of the labour community. They are not even paid equivalent to their work. Economical Factor: It is a second largest element of PESTLE analysis. It involves economy conditions, inflation rate, employment level, spending power etc. In Pakistan unemployment is up above the sky. People are searching for jobs even after getting 16-18 years of education. Unemployment level reduces the buying power of consumers and in the end economy starts declining. The big threat of Royal Crown Cola re launch in Pakistan is what prices they set to get the attention of people in limited buying power. Social Factor: ROYAL CROWN was first launched in Pakistan by keeping a religious and social status of Pakistani people and it worked. They offered low quantity of gas in it. Current situation is that media is also on top of the list so if ROYAL CROWN cola re launches in Pakistan then advertisement campaign could be run on high level. So ROYAL CROWN should be able to offer those products which aims to benefit people lifestyle and behaviour. If it doesnt then the re launching of this organization will be in vain once again. Technological Factor: The current era is running in lot of pace. Everybody wants to leave the other person back. Technological changes aims to get the instant results and it does happen. Technology is all about the quick and accurate outcomes. Research and development department of Pakistan is not less than the others. ROYAL CROWN should launch the product by keeping in view the technological changes and development. Legal Factors: Legal factors include trading policies, regulatory bodies, future legislation changes etc. So Royal Crown Cola must keep all the points in mind to re launch their product in Pakistan. Environmental Factors: Royal Crown Cola production industries should be in such areas where people cant get affected by pollution. There should be rules relating to the recycling of tin bottles and other materials used by the company. Porters five forces Model: Applying five forces to the beverages industry of Pakistan allows us to create a view of potential attractiveness in the sense of profitability in the related industry. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The buyers of this industry are in extremely large numbers and buyers want to purchase this industrys products on relatively low prices, impulse, and convenience basis so making is beneficial for the industry. Bargaining power of Suppliers: In beverages industry most of the raw material is used in which there are no specialized people of such commodities like sugar, syrup, glass, plastic, tins and water etc so bargaining power of the supplier is high because shifting to another company takes a time and initially there will also be a bargaining of prices. When the suppliers are not specialized then losing them is not a big issue for the organizations. Threat of New Entrants: In this industry the threat of new entrants is relatively low because it needs a huge investment and specially when the giants like pepsi and coca cola are in the market. It is also very difficult to set up industries for bottling plant specially for new entrants. Threats of Substitute: Threat of substitutes in this industry is high whether it comes to the health issue or some other issues. People can move easily from one company to others because they have choices if company of their choice is not offering good products in terms of health, quality and money. Rivalry among existing players: In Pakistan market is heavily dominated by to giants of beverages industry Pepsi and Coca Cola with a share of 75% and 18% relatively leaving less room for others but Royal Crown Cola is an existing industry still they can make profits by making it more attractive for the customers. Objective Setting: It is very important to set the objective for every company when starting anything new or making the changes. Royal Crown Cola is already in phase of declining in Pakistan so it should set SMART objectives for its re launch and survival. Mission Statement: Our mission is to be the leading manufacturer and distributor of juices, dairy and related food products that best satisfy the growing needs of the customers. Specific: Royal Crown Cola should make specific goals to launch new products. Their goals must be according to the current position of the market of their product and and what the company wants to achieve. Measurable: being specific to the point company should be able to measure whether it is working according to the plan or not. Attainable: after that they should analyze whether the goals they set are achievable or not. Realistic: it means that the goals should not be as strict that if it is not making profit that it cannot be changed. Goals must be flexible so they could be changed when not giving output. Time bound: Royal Crown Cola should set a time frame to achieve their specific goal. They should set goals for limited time but not for longer time. Form short objectives and work on and increase the level gradually. Strategy Development: Growth strategy: Strategies are the ways to achieve the stated objectives of the organizations. There are two types of strategies which are Growth Strategy and competitive strategy. Growth Strategy includes: Ansoff matrix BCG matrix Gap Analysis GE matrix Selection of Growth Strategy for Royal Crown Cola: As we analyzed from the above situation of Royal Crown Cola position in the market the strategy which is most favorable is Ansoff matrix. Market penetration: Royal Crown Cola should sell their products to its existing users more by convincing them. They should also make such an advertisement to attract the new or non user of their product to use it. Market penetration also includes attracting the customer from the competitors and it can only happen by giving consumers such benefits which they are not provided by the competitors like discounts, buy 2 get 1 for half price, BOGOF etc. by doing market penetration Royal Crown Cola can achieve its objectives quiet effectively because they dont have enough customers so they need to penetrate the market. Market Development: Royal Crown Cola can make a development in their market like introducing in some new areas and new users by segmenting the products for different age and gender. By doing this people will attract to the product and they will buy more. Product Development: Royal Crown Cola should make some new products to let the customer now that we are offering something different comparing to our competitors. This could be done by having a look at the competitive advantage of the competitors products. Diversification: Infect it is a risky development and RC is not in the position to take more risk but they should do it in such a manner where there is less chance of risk of failure. Because when the market will be new then only the advertisement works and they should think damn seriously about the advertisement which is the main reason of their declining sales and failure. Competitive Strategy: Competitive strategy includes further 3 strategies which are Cost Leadership Strategy. Differentiation Strategy, Focus Strategy. For Royal Crown Cola the best strategy will be Focus Strategy. Focus Strategy: Focus strategy relates to the narrow competition in industry. In this strategy Royal Crown Cola will make the segments in industry. It involves two variants, Cost Focus and Differentiation Focus. In cost focus Royal Crown Cola will produce low cost products but with effective quality as compare to the other competitors and try to attract the customers with the low cost products. As the purchase power of people is very low in Pakistan now days due to economic crisis so it will be huge advantage for Royal Crown Cola. In differentiation strategy Royal Crown Cola should seek a difference of their product in their targeted segment. They can enhance their segmentation but dont make huge segmentation just start from a little one. Tactics for achievement of strategies: Tactics normally includes the 7 Ps which are as follow: Product Price Place Promotion People Process Physical evidence Product: Royal Crown Cola no doubt is an international brand working for more than 100 years but due to some reasons it failed in Pakistan so new they should need to develop a new product with meet the requirements of the consumer. To develop a new product there should be an idea which can be taken by the survey of asking to customers, employees and other stake holders. Then form all the ideas and select the best one. Product stage of Royal Crown Cola: People already know about the name because people have used it before. At initial stage there will be: High cost of production Slow Growth in terms of sales Take time to find acceptance Royal Crown Cola is also in loss now days so they should provide people with great taste and quality. Gradually the product starts making profits and grows sharply. Then the unit cost will decrease, people ask for more etc. Branding: People dont buy products they buy brands. Keeping this in view Royal Crown Cola brand should be attractive in terms of logo, symbol and slogan which must be different from others. The slogan which I suggest is Sssshhhhà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Comin again with new style and taste Logo: Branding Strategy: Royal Crown Cola is an international brand so its strategy will be own label branding. Style and Design: When it comes to the design and style of the product then it must be full of attraction and acceptance of people. Packaging: Packaging of Royal Crown Cola should represent protection, advertisement, informative. The comparison of the product among giants is as follow: Royal Crown Cola Pepsi Cola Coca Cola No Such Product No Such Product The comparison above is that Royal Crown cola should produce more products which its competitors are offering. RC should launch its mineral water in Pakistan to get the attraction of the people. They launch it with their own label attractive branding. Packaging of the product must be protected, informative, convenience. Price: Pricing strategy for Royal Crown Cola should be market penetration strategy. In which Royal Crown Cola offer cheap prices as compare to other competitors to get the attention of the customers and afterwards increasing the prices. This strategy will also discourage the new entrants. Royal Crown cola pricing strategy will be competition based strategy because Royal Crown Cola must offer fewer prices from its competitors to get the attention of customers. And for new products the strategy will be market penetration because by offering low prices people will come to buy. There should be incentives given to the retailers like chillers, tours on extra buying etc. different offers must be offered on special occasions like Ramadan and Eid. Royal Crown Cola should use the push strategy for their product by using different promotional tactics and through media. Distribution will be divided according to the number of areas and the nature of customer according to the literacy rate. Because if the company offers online buying than it would not be affective in rural areas of Pakistan. Representative of the company should directly go the retailers to offer them facilities like bonuses and incentives. In Lahore they should try to ask international Royal Crown Cola to give them franchise in a tax free zone and provide plants for both glass and PET bottles. Distribution Strategy: Distribution strategy which I suggest for RC is Intensive distribution because beverages are the FMCGs and these types of products need more outlets as much possible. Promotion: Promotion is the main reason of Royal Crown Cola failure in Pakistan. They did not make it well so the promotions strategies for re launching must be according to the market. Objectives of the promotion can be achieved by DRIPE Model. D iffrentiate = analyze the Pepsi and Coke Competitive advantage and create a difference. R emind = surveying the customers who have used RC and reminding them about the product. I nform = offering the products to new customers who have not used the rc products before. P ersuade = give the benefits to customers to convince them like reducing the prices. E ngage = offering such prices and quality to maintain a long term relation with customers. Promotion Tools: Advertising: AIDA model is an affective model for advertising A wareness = making television commercials, bill boards, media I nterst = adding fun to commercials D esire = creating a desire to buy product like Red Bull when customer wants to refresh. A ction = leave the home to purchase product Advertising Media: Broadcasting on tv and radio which will increase the awareness among people Creating advertisement short messages service by collecting the data from cellular companies and offering customers to buy the product Bill boards and posters will be applied on high ways, centre points, on buses and cabs. On internet little ads will be displayed to tell the product information Offering free cards with famous magazines for first month. Sales Promotion: Free vouchers will be given to retailers for the customers who buy in quantity for dine in like in McDonalds, KFC and other restaurants. For first month there will be an offer for regular pack to get 3 cans for the price of 2. Free samples will be distributed in markets and in grounds on mobile vans and opening outlets outside the public parks. Price discounts will be given to customers. Direct Marketing: SMS will be sent to customers taking data base from cellular companies Direct mails will be sent to customers Personal Selling: Marketing managers will go directly to retailers and take the orders because it will save the time of involving whole sellers. Appointing persons to go house to house and offer attractive prices to households if they buy huge quantity. Offers will be made to customers to retain them for a long time with the company. People: When it comes to the selection of employees Royal Crown Cola must appoint people with professional attitude, behavior and skills towards the operation of Royal Crown Cola in all fields. There should be careful job selection and policies of selection. Because the employees are the main stake holders of any organization. Process: Rc should make company policies affective. Rc brands must do a joint venture with public place like cinemas, parks, grounds etc to sell on Rc brands there. It will need a huge amount but it is beneficial for the company. Physical Evidence: Royal Crown Colas physical evidence must be something like attractive so the people get attracted towards the product. Logos must create colorful scheme, company vehicles could be run to make the people know something new. Company should distribute things like stationary, uniforms, equipments with RC logos. Total 18,600,000 Rs. The method which I suggest to RC is all you can afford. Because RC Cola is re launching in Pakistan it still has a risk of lost so they dont need to apply more resources according to their worth. Controlling and Monitoring: As soon as the marketing plan gets started the next ob of management is to control and monitor what is going on now. Is everything according to the plan if it is not than taking corrective actions to sort the problem out? Segmentation: We are going to segment the Royal Crown Cola market in 2 different segments Demographic Factor: Age: 10 25 years Class: Upper, Upper Middle, Middle Gender: Male and Female Geographic Factor: Country: Pakistan City: Lahore Province: Punjab Targeting: We are going to apply differentiated targeting in which different products will be offered according to the customer targeted and segmented. Critical Reflection: Why Royal Crown failed in Pakistan: ROYAL CROWN cola launched in Pakistan when there were no big competitors like coca cola and Pepsi. ROYAL CROWN cola earned lot of money in that tenure. But when Pepsi co. came into Pakistan than it started decline. Because Pepsi co. made a huge difference in terms of advertisement and promotion of their product. They launched it and then captured the whole market in a short time. Launching of Pepsi didnt make a huge difference but Coca Cola made it a huge one when it started working in Pakistan. This was the tenure when ROYAL CROWN cola started decline in real meaning. After the launching of these two giants in market ROYAL CROWN cola fall likes the tomb of cards. In started people used ROYAL CROWN a lot because they enjoyed this drink but Pepsi cola and Coca cola made a huge difference in terms of advertising and promotion only. They got the people attention towards their brand so people attracted towards them and left ROYAL CROWN brand. Any product is all about the presentation wha t it looks like what it is offering by its look. Pepsi cola and Coca Cola presentation was so good and they captured the market and left Royal Crown Cola a far behind. In spite of the fact that Royal Crown is declining in Pakistan infect it is ignored by the people so they need to be re launch it with some different looks and attraction. They have the potential to come in the market strongly. It takes time but it happens. The only difference which I felt was only the advertising and promotion. So if they want to re launch the product then they should make a difference in terms of advertisement. At the start of module I did not know it would be as interesting as I thought it before. I have a finance background but after studying marketing management Ive chosen marketing electives in my next semester. I experienced a lot of things in the start till the end of the whole course like how things go in market, how company market its product, how they apply marketing techniques, what are their goals and how they going to work on it etc. I think its all about marketing in our environment. The main thing which I learnt by this module is that Ive come to know the strategies related to marketing the product and running them in an efficient way so they get going an making profits. I can now understand how market, marketing mix and how to plan for any new and existing products which are available or about to launch in the market and specially the products which are in declining stage. Marketing gives us experience what the customers expecting from you and what u should do to satisfy their needs infect more than they want. Its now, not difficult for me to understand the models in terms of putting them into the practical life that I will be having in future, marketing has a lot to do with the businesses, these concepts which were taught to me in this course are worth more than enough for me to understand the factors which different businesses apply to gain the advantages of marketing and to gain the sophistication of their businesses. The experience was very good while I was learning this course of marketing management as it was taught to me very deeply and very finely, which helped me to get the idea of everything include in this course. It was though not as easy as it seemed to get everything in my mind for the subject that is very vast in it, but once when it was started I got the idea that it is going to be very useful and beneficial for me, in present and also in future. This is the once in a life time experience I believe which you get once in your life and you get advantages of it the whole life. This was the experience which is I dont think I will forget ever, as it was very interestingly taught and it had a lot much practical knowledge which enhanced my knowledge as well as my skills to put the respective information in my practical life, it is now easy to talk to anyone related to the market without any hesitation and with a lot of knowledge and skills to show now what I am. I have done many things in marketing, including marketing mix of products, marketing plan, and other many models of marketing such as Ansoffs model, PESTLE analysis, situational analysis and many other analyses which have been taught to me during the lectures. In the starting it was about marketing itself as an introduction, but when it went on and on, it showed up with many models and different concepts related t other market, what is happening in the market and what is the market all about, it is not easy to just go to visit the market and get what you want, a proper time is required for this kind of research, while I can easily say that during these few weeks I have learnt the experience of many months which is not easy to gain, it is actually something that you earn, it is not something that you gain without any struggle, though I also tried a lot to understand the concepts which were not easy for me to understand. Btu as the time passed I became used to of these teachings and th en I found that it was not as difficult as I presumed in the beginning, it was a lot more easy and easy to understand, easy to read, easy to write and of course easy to apply whenever needed, just a little research is required inc on text of the markets current condition at that time. Previously I was not aware of many concepts and things which has been taught to me now, I was lacking in many things, when I was studying this concept I found that I left behind many things which are really required by the market now, which have become a necessity for the marketing activities of any company and which are the core issues of any company for the activities which are related to the marketing activities and marketing plans of a company or a business. All the things which were not known by me in many contexts such as in the context of learning, in the context of skills, in the context of knowledge and in the context of practical application of these concepts, knowledge, skills and putting these all in together. I am definitely have learned too much to understand everything that has been taught in this course, I can talk to anyone regarding these concepts and I am more acknowledged than I was previously. I have changed a lot, I am more practical now, I am now able to understand which company is using what marketing strategies and what plans and implementations, it is now easy to watch the market with my perspective now, and also how market is running, how it was in the past and how it may run in the future. I am able to judge and conclude different perspectives regarding different companies and regarding the market as a whole, it is not much difficult to understand what the market is all about. I was feeling like Im being renewed, I was getting something that I was not able to think about the benefits, when the learning outcomes were undergoing, I was undergoing too, I was undergoing the process of getting acknowledged and of course it was great, it was feeling very good, when you get something new in yourself you feel new, I was feeling like I am having what I actually needed and what I have not learned so far. It was feeling as I am now being honored by having the knowledge that not everyone has. As I went through this learning process, I found that many new questions are generating in my mind about the market, these questions are related to different things related to the market, such as, marketing concepts which are used in different companies present in different segments of the market and which are present for different segments of the market, not just nationally but globally, marketing concepts are he same all over the globe, just the timing and the requirements of the people of different countries and regions.
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