Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Analysis of Kubricks A Clockwork Orange
Analysis of Kubricks A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubricks 1971 film production of the Anthony Burgess novel, A Clockwork Orange, is a truly unforgettable film. It is narrated by one of the most vicious characters ever put on screen, Alex DeLarge. The promotional poster for the film advertised it as The adventures of a young man whose principle interests are rape, ultra-violence, and Beethoven (Dirks 1). Needless to say, music plays a very important role in A Clockwork Orange. The expressive use of music in this film gives the viewer a look into the psyche of the vicious Alex, a psyche that equates violence with art. By doing so, the film shows us the complexity and duality of the human mind through a character who loves both†¦show more content†¦The scene becomes a ballet-type performance, complete with a climax. This reveals Alexs attitude toward the violence that he inflicts; it is an art that is inspired by other works of art, such as Rossinis The Thieving Magpie. Another scene that equates artistic virtue with Alexs violent actions is the scene in which Alex and his gang come upon a rival gang in an abandoned casino. This scene also uses Rossinis The Thieving Magpie as its music. The scene opens with the rival gang on the casinos stage, attempting to rape a young girl while the light, happy sounds of strings are heard. As the girl struggles, she seems to be dancing like a ballerina, tiptoeing and placing the back of her wrist against her forehead. The fight that ensues between the two gangs gives the viewer the impression of a ballet. Bodies fly through the air while the drifting sounds of The Thieving Magpie continue to play. In an interview director Stanley Kubrick said that he wanted a way to stylize the films violence and to make the violence as balletic as possible (qtd. in LoBrutto 4). He accomplishes this well by pairing the floating, birdlike sounds of Rossinis piece with scenes of gang violence. The light-hearted music in thi s scene seems to emphasize Alexs attitude toward violence. He sees the violence that he commits as an enjoyable art form,Show MoreRelated A Clockwork Orange Essay: A Movie Analysis1704 Words  | 7 PagesA Clockwork Orange A Movie Analysis    In 1962, Anthony Burgess novel A Clockwork Orange was published for the first time. This novel was an anti-utopian fable about the near future, where teenage gangs habitually terrorize the inhabitants of a shabby metropolis. The novel deals with the main focus that man is a sinner but not sufficiently a sinner to deserve the calamities that are heaped upon him. It is a comic novel about a mans tragic lot. (Bergonzi 152).      In 1971, StanleyRead More Stan the man kubrick Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pagesthe intellect and genius that goes into each minute of each scene of each incredible film. Since it is impossible to describe all of the details of Kubrick’s auteur theory here, it will be my goal to touch on one of them, arguably the most important, and explore it. The one to which I will concern myself with now, is that of Kubrick’s brilliant portrayal of the dark side of human nature. Hey accurately portrays in all of his movies the common element of people having unscrupulous traits.Read MoreEssay on Stanley Kubrick: Artist, Explorer and Pioneer3777 Words  | 16 PagesKubrick uses the medium of film to convey an understanding of the world around him. I see his work as art rather than entertainment and I propose his inclusion in Howard Gardner’s model of Multiple Intelligences. The basis of my argument lies in analysis of his work ethic, complexities, innovations and communication skills. Background Stanley Kubrick was born on July 26th, 1928. The Bronx New York was both his birthplace and childhood home. While there he had a relatively uneventful adolescenceRead MoreThe Films of Stanley Kubrick Essay2151 Words  | 9 Pages The films of director Stanley Kubrick divert from any categorized genre upon analysis. Instead they use themes that also expand into cinematic concepts due to certain construction processes used in the making of his films. This distinguishes Stanley Kubrick as a film maker and also places his films in their own genre. Analysing the two films 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and A Clockwork Orange (1971) the production processes will be examined to determine how they bring Read More Film Contributions of the Sixties Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesFilm Contributions of the Sixties Beginning roughly with the release of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Loved the Bomb in 1964, and continuing for about the next decade, the â€Å"Sixties†era of filmmaking made many lasting impressions on the motion picture industry. Although editing and pacing styles varied greatly from Martin Scorcesse’s hyperactive pace, to Kubrick’s slow methodical pace, there were many uniform contributions made by some of the era’s seminalRead MoreStanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb1854 Words  | 8 PagesStanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb presents a satire of the Cold War and nuclear warfare. The film stars comedian Peter Sellers in three different roles, including the president, a Royal Air Force officer, and the title character of Dr. Strangeloveâ€â€a character who does not play a major role in the action until the final scene of the film. The film itself was adapted by Stanley Kubrick, Peter George, and Terry Southern from George’s thrillerRead MoreDr.Strangelove Film Analysis Essay example2420 Words  | 10 Pagesmachine. In Dr. Strangelove, he concludes that man and his machines will lead to the end of the world. Almost every movie after Dr. Strangelove explored the dark side of human nature. Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey, dealt with similar themes on the perils of technology and the evolution of man. Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket all explored the dark side of the human psyche and the violent nature of human beings. Alex is conditionally altered by science and technology toRead More Use of Generalist Fair Use Defence in Australian Intellectual Property Law4952 Words  | 20 Pagesreading or investigation or reflection; 2. The cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law; 3. A particular course of effort to acquire knowledge; to pursue special medical studies†¦5. A thorough examination and analysis of a particular subject†. It would appear from the decision of the Court in this case that in ascertaining the purpose and the character of the â€Å"fair dealing†is more of a question of determining whether there has been a commercial dealing with
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Poems of Puritan Authors Themes of Religious Beliefs in a...
Domestic Life in Poetry Since well before the United States became its own independent nation, the people of this land have worked to develop a purely unique identity, which was at least in the beginning, ruled by the religious beliefs of the population. Part of the structure of this identity, as with the cultural identity of any developing nation, has been created through the literature of American authors. When the Puritans came to the New World, they led a life that was focused on their religious beliefs. The church, prayer, and devotion to God were what dictated the behaviors of all people and the cultural development of those people. They left England to escape persecution because their religious practices demanded a rigid interpretation of the Bible, and the leading of a very simple life with stoic and unceremonious religious services. Anne Bradstreet, a Puritan, is arguably the most famous writer to come out of this period. However, there were other poets writing in this time as well including male p oets Michael Wigglesworth and Edward Taylor. In comparing the three, and taking particular interest in Anne Bradstreets poem Contemplations, it becomes evident that religion was an integral part of Puritan life, permeating into all other parts of life. In both the poems of Wigglesworth and Taylor, the reader cannot help but notice a somber tone. Their poems are reflective of the Puritan belief in a God-centric life and that all their endeavors should express their
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper Free Essays
In the University of Phoenix curricula GEN480 Capstone course, Learning Team C represents a somewhat diverse group of skills. Based on a matrix of categories including field of expertise, strengths, business skills, computer skills, and language, the four members of Learning Team C shared their self-assessment in each of these. It is interesting that there is a good complement of customer service, leadership, business acumen, computer skills, and even some additional foreign language skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Patrice Davis – A strong customer service background with good listening and communication skills. Patrice is also team-oriented and has good basic computer skills. Cindy Jost – A member of management, Cindy has experience in the travel industry and in addition to leadership, lists communication, negotiation skills and software knowledge as strengths. Silvia Miller – Silvia represents the quality assurance management side of commercial banking. Her strengths are leadership, people skills, flexibility, software knowledge, and speaks three languages including fluent Portuguese. Mike Wray – Seasoned leader and manager with a focus on health care supply chain management. Mike brings experience in common-sense approach process improvement and good communication skills. He also has a good understanding of software and databases and their best application. The skill of these positions is a combination of personal strengths, business skills and computer skills. The personal strengths range from professionalism to social skills, from dependability to honesty, from ambition to understanding, and trustworthiness to leadership skills. From the examination of the skills listed it appears that the skill required in most functions listed is public speaking and presentation skills. Although public speaking always has been recognized in the business community, the online learning program does not incorporate this class into their curricula. Public speaking and presentation skills are essential in the management and leadership field. The student can overcome the fear of facing people, and can improve their communication skills. For instance, in a job interview, the interviewer judge the person based on their qualifications but also the ability to deliver a good public speaking session. For a college student the ability of deliver good public speaking session are also tested. Unfortunately, the clarity of the speaking skills cannot be heard because of the online learning environment. There are many things you can do to improve your public speaking skills: Preparation of the presentation: Good public speakers prepare the material to be presented. He or she will outline the presentation to have a clear view of what the speech is about. Also, they know their audience. Tell a Story: This is one of the best tools available to use to persuade other people. Use your voice effectively: To keep people interest about the story, a voice variation is important for instance the use of pause and voice excitement. Use your body: this is extremely important when communicating because you need to engaged your listeners. Another way through which a person can become more effective at public speaking is to become a member of Toastmasters International. â€Å"Toastmaster International is a nonprofit organization that offers a proven and enjoyable way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills†(Toastmasters, 2010). In fact, based on the description of experience and skills presented on the Team C Matrix, the team presented two consulting firms as potential employers. Consulting firms are a popular career choice for college graduates. As the need for specialized professionals in areas of business is growing so is the specialization of consulting firms. Three consulting firms that make a good match based on Team C’s skill set include Navigant Consulting a management firm, Pricewaterhouse Cooper LLP an accounting firm and Mercer LLC a firm specializing in human resources (List of Top Consulting Firms, 2010). The benefit for companies to hire a specialized consulting firms is to ensure a better delivery, quality and over all monitoring of their current project. Team C’s members bring a variety of skills to the hiring table. When searching for companies to apply to the goal is to finding the best fit base on experience and education. Navigant is a management consulting firm out of the greater Chicago area (Navigant Consulting, 2011). The team member that would best be employed with Navigant is Michael Wray. Based on his leadership skills and management expertise is a good fit here. Silvia Miller is the team member with a financial background so the best fit for this team member is a position within the firm of Pricewaterhouse Cooper LLP. Pricewaterhouse specialty is accounting (PWC 2011). Mercer is a company focused in Human Resources which is also part customer service (Mercer, 2011). This company has career paths that will meet the need of all Team C’s members but Patrice Davis and Cindy Jost would be the best fit here because of their customer service expertise. Some needed skills are a continual thirst for learning. Once a person stops, learning one also stops growing. Also can be a hindrance in the ability to be innovative and creative. This skill is sometimes obtained through company-sponsored classes, seminars, and incentives to attend and complete such company sponsored learning opportunities. Another needed skill is statistics and research design. This is researching in-house to define the research problem, find an answer by designing a study and the appropriate instruments. Coding, analyzing, reporting, and making recommendations on the discoveries of the defined problem is a part of research design. This skill is obtained only if the company sees this as an asset and important to the company. If the case, someone can be brought in who has experience in statistics and research design. Cross-cultural understanding is also a skill needed because in this economy more minorities are entering the workforce all the time. This skill is obtained through company sponsored cultural days or seminars. Possessing a business skill is a needed skill. Employees need to have â€Å"business savvy†a combination of technical training and interpersonal skills. This skill is obtainable by one receiving technical training and the teaching of good interpersonal skills, preferably during achieving education prior to entering the workforce. How to cite Learning Team Skills and Assessment Paper, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Jazz Essay free essay sample
Ragtime which was an African Tyler of music and was played by Plano influenced the creation of Jazz by African American. The first group ever to play jazz were; Tom browns band from Dixie land in South in 1916. Their Idea was just Musical literacy, they couldnt read music, but they were so talented that they would only play by ear. For this particular reason many other musicians would call them negative names. After a decade, Jazz became more popular, but it never became Americas favorite music. However, popular music generated from Jazz. This fact made Jazz more off life style( partying, having a good time). At that point in time any music that wasnt religious or classical was mostly referred to Jazz ( in the asss). Jazz musicians were often so talented that pop music producers would depend on Jazz musicians for their creativity to make money for themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Jazz Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, Jazz became the musicians Music. Their honest desire and artistic creativity made them very proud. So, it wasnt Just because of money. It was a unique way of life that they believed not everyone understands,There were 2 very common vehicles for Jazz songs. One was the cords to the 12 bar (blues). Two was the cords to I got rhythm which emphasized many song forms. The formats were mostly consists of head solos head. The book explains about the six very important characteristics of Jazz which were; Improvisation, Syncopation, Swing, Jazz Instrument technical, Influence of the Blues and rhythm section and front liners. The very first style of jazz was New Orleans Jazz which was divided into two sections;Collective Improvisation and counterpoint (poly phony) melody against melody. At that time Kid ROR was the first African American in 1922 to record instrumental Jazz. Some of the famous figures of that era were; Sidney Becket, which was one of the greatest Jazz musicians who moved to Europe and started the Jazz there. Another famous figure was James P Johnson The father of Harlem Strides who was classically trained composer. Some of the other key figures of that era are as follows: Buddy Bolder was one of the very first jazz players ever who invented the big 4 beat.Bunk Johnson who played modern Jazz until way after Into asss but never recorded his music. Freddie kippered helped spreading the New Orleans jazz. Joe king Oliver who was one of the key figures and also was the mentor of the Legendary Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong is one the most influential Jazz icons of all time. He was born In August of 1901, but claimed that he was born on July 4th of 1900. He started his career as cornet player at an early age. In 1919 he played with river boat band lead by Fate marble.Although they were all African American but they played for white Thats when he became second corniest at the Lincoln gardens. In 1925 he changed from cornet to trumpet and he recorded the hot gs and hot gs Master pieces until 1929 which gained much respect for the genre of Jazz. Other famous people who collaborated with Louis during that time were; Fletcher Henderson, Don Red man and Coleman Hawkins. After 1929 he got inebriate 2 different mobs in Chicago and a year later moves to LA to perform at Sebastian cotton club in Culver city.
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