Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hiroshima Essay -- History, Atomic Bomb
Before the Japanese city Hiroshima was besieged, as ahead of schedule as July 1945, the city was focused for something different. While the nuclear bomb is exceptionally condemned for its obliteration, the United States’ government trusted it was an important measure for the time. Confronted with an absence of different alternatives, the utilization of atomic fighting was seen as the most proficient approach to end American inclusion in the war. Glancing back at the catastrophe, elective arrangements could have improved the circumstance, making benefits for the two sides. Hiroshima was a staggering military hit to Japan with high physical harm, however its effect didn't enable the United States to accomplish its ideal political objectives of completion the war rapidly, with insignificant death toll. With explicit goals, the United States’ choice to drop a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima required broad research prompting its creation. The principle objective of the American side was to harm the enemy’s certainty, while picking an objective with the most elevated military yield so as to close the war (Avalon Project-Chapter 5, standard. 5). The gathering accountable for building up the innovation was known as the Manhattan Project, and was stayed quiet. Choice started in the spring of 1945, with help from the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, his Headquarters (Avalon Project-Chapter 5, standard. 2) .There was an assortment of specialists dealing with the task, including mathematicians, hypothetical physicists, and authorities prepared in climate and impact impacts Headquarters (Avalon Project-Chapter 5, standard. 4) . So as to screen the entirety of the outcomes, the city must be immaculate, which means the objective needed to have no indications of past bombings. In li ght of these prerequisites, the assignment of Hiroshima for the besieging was n... they endeavored in 1942, as ahead of schedule as 1940 (preceding Pearl Harbor), Great Britain and the United States were trading atomic data, which lead to the advancement of the Manhattan Project (Draft Statement 2). Consequences of the nuclear force in the United States included two working plants to produce the vitality, costing two billion dollars and utilizing 125,000 specialists (Draft Statement 3). After the bombarding, the United States was set up to obliterate Japan and its military if necessary. While taking into consideration that nuclear force ought to be managed, it was settled upon that Congress ought to set up a commission to screen this atomic innovation (Draft Statement 4-5). Causing unsalvageable harm upon its Japanese casualties, Hiroshima could have been taken care of with more worry for decimation of life, while as yet achieving its military desire.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Mystics and Saints Patti Smith and Isabelle Eberhardt
Mystics and Saints Patti Smith and Isabelle Eberhardt I’ve seen Patti Smith only once in my life, not onstage but in the checkout line of the Whole Foods in Chelsea: tall, gaunt, overcoated, unmistakably herself. I’ve never been a fan of her music, which belongs for me in that category of extremely brilliant and personally disinteresting where I file artists like Tarkovsky or Kurosawaâ€"artists whose work I can appreciate without particularly wanting to embrace. But like a lot of other people, I wept my way through her National Book Award-winning memoir, Just Kids, entranced not just by the extraordinary mythology of her life but her flawlessly rendered version of a lost New York to which no artist, genius or hack, can ever moveâ€"a New York that very possibly never existed, or at least not for anyone who wasn’t Patti Smith, but in either event will certainly never exist again. M Train is a very different book than Just Kids, as incongruous in some ways as the idea of Patti Smith poring over vegetables in a Whole Foods (out of all the gin joints in all the towns, etc.). It’s a discursive chronicle of an older, intensely solitary life characterized by loss so chronic as to be inescapable. Smith leaves behind beloved coats, photographs, cameras, pens, notebooks, treasured cafés shuttered by gentrification. All of these losses are a kind of extended shorthand for the greatest loss of all: that of her longtime partner, the musician Fred “Sonic†Smith, whose sudden, unexpected death and the subsequent void of his absence permeates every page of Smith’s often-dreamy account of travel, work, travel, books read, coffees drunk. M Train is a book almost entirely about absence and longing, but it is written by a person who would far rather be alone than with a poor substitute for the beloved, and so it is also the daily résumé of a life that is enviable in its Spartan freedom. She feeds the cats. She cleans their water bowls. She travels: to play shows, to give readings, to see friends, to take photographs of the graveyards of people whose art she admires. She drinks a lot of coffee and she makes a lot of spaghetti. She is accountable to no one, to nothing, but the practice of her art. “Here is joy and neglect,†she writes. “A little mescal. A little jacking off, but mostly just work. â€"This is how I live, I am thinking.†Isabelle Eberhardt was born in Switzerland in 1877, the illegitimate child of a general’s wife and the household tutor, a Russian nihilist who dressed her in mens clothing and took complete control. He taught her to read and write French, Russian, and Arabic and insisted she undertake hard physical labor outdoors with her male siblings. He taught her to ride horses, despise bourgeois values, and disdain public opinion. Eberhardt may have learned her lifelong desire for escape in the hardships of her childhood, but her father’s punishing lessons also gave her the multitude of skills she’d later need to survive as a woman alone in North Africa. After fleeing Switzerland for Algeria, she converted to Islam and embarked on the nomadic life for which she would gain notoriety in her lifetime and admiration after her death. She traveled throughout North Africa dressed likeâ€"and often passing asâ€"a man, smoking hash in the Tunisian equivalent of dive bars and writing articles, essay s, and fiction. Her collected body of work, including journals and letters, ultimately comprised thousands of unpublished pages produced in a little over a decade. She survived illness, dire poverty, and an assassination attempt (by saber, no less), joined a secret Sufi brotherhood, and conducted a long, wildly romantic affair with a young Algerian soldier before her sudden death in a flash flood at the age of 27. Smith came to Eberhardt’s life and work early in her own career, and for a while shared Eberhardt’s obsession with North Africa and the Middle East: “I was drawn,†she writes in Just Kids, “to the Middle East: the mosques, the prayer rugs, and the Koran of Muhammad. I read Nerval’s Women of Cairo, and the stories of Bowles, Mrabet, Albert Cossery, and Isabelle Eberhardt.†A 1975 Smith poem, “The Ballad of Isabelle Eberhardt,†is written from Eberhardt’s point of view (“I condemn any pattern / I bind I blendâ€). Smith’s relationship with North Africa veers solidly into the arena of Orientalism, all “exotic†vistas and markets, but Eberhardt’s engagement is less easy to categorize: her obsessive documentation of her travels and the people she encountered employs a number of Orientalist stereotypes, but she was also a devout Muslim and fluent speaker of Arabic who strongly advocated for French decolonization of North Africa. If Smith’s Orientalism is tha t of a dreamy pilgrim to a land of magical barbarians, Eberhardt’s is something less easily dismissed: the observations of a gender-bending polyglot who spent much of her writing exploring a deeply personal relationship to her faith and the people she encountered. I read Eberhardt for the first time a few weeks after I finished M Train; it’s easy to see why Smith was so drawn to her history and her work, and both women’s early lives follow similar arcs of solitude, devotion, and self-discovery. According to Paul Bowles’s introduction to Oblivion Seekers, a brief, patchwork collection of Eberhardt’s writing (fiction, nonfiction, and strange meditations that are neither, or possibly both), “her nature combined an extraordinary singleness of purpose and an equally powerful nostalgia for the unattainable,†a description that could just as easily be applied to Patti Smith. It’s easy to problematize the iconoclastic appeal of both women, who defined their own independence by rejecting femininity itself rather than rejecting or subverting the ways in which patriarchal constraints are applied to (white, in this case) women’s lives (appropriately enough, Eberhardt is one of the only female writers or artists Smith cites as influential i n either M Train or Just Kids, though she’s a big fan of The Killing’s fictional detective Sarah Linden). But it’s also difficult to escape the tremendous appeal of their narratives, particularly as a woman writer deeply invested myself in building a life outside dominant ideologies of what women’s stories should look like. The idea of a life indifferent to any demands, free of yearning for material comfort, devoted exclusively to the pleasures and hardships of work, of travel, of continual engagement with the foreign, is an idea fundamentally rooted in a certain kind of privilege, accessible only to people who have the option of passing through the world with the freedom to envision themselves as independent. And yet both women’s writing and lives offer a glimpse of a path so engaging as to be impossible to entirely reject. “I was my own lucky hand of solitaire,†Smith says in M Train; her refusal to cede to the idea that a woman alone is a tragic figure is so absolute that she does not even entertain the thought long enough to reject it. “They are epicureans, voluptuaries; perhaps they are sages,†Eberhardt writes of her titular oblivion seekers, hash smokers in a kif den. “Even in the darkest purlieu of Morocco’s underworld, such men can reach the magic horizon where they are free to build their dream-palaces of delight.†That freedom, fraught as it may be, is a promise it’s hard to turn down. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Child Of The Wild Child - 1256 Words
Susan Wiley, or most commonly known as Genie the Wild Child was born on the 18th of April 1957. She was the fourth child of Clark and Irene Wiley and was one of two children that survived childhood. Her parents were married in 1944 Clark was 20 years his wife’s senior and their marriage was riddled with domestic violence. Their first two children were both suspiciously killed before their first birthday. It was reported that Clark Wiley extremely disliked children and was very mentally unstable. The third of the Wiley children John lived with Clarks mother Pearl, when she was killed in a hit and run accident Clark held his son responsible which only added to his fragile mental health. The final child of the couple was Genie. At a doctor’s appointment in late 1958 when Genie was 20 months old the doctor diagnosed her with mild retardation. However, this claim has been debated. Nevertheless, Genie’s sadistic father kept her in extreme isolation locked away in an upstairs bedroom. The window was covered in aluminium foil and Genie was tightly restrained to a potty chair in near darkness every day. At night she slept in a tattered sleeping bag tied down in a cot that was enclosed with chicken wire. Although she would often be left on the potty chair overnight. She was malnourished and Clark forbid his son and wife to speak to Genie. If she was to make any sound she was beaten with a wooden plank, and was allegedly sexually abused also. Though no one will ever know exactly whatShow MoreRelated Wild Child Essay881 Words  | 4 PagesItard, The Wild Child is a movie made in 1970, with a setting in France from the18th century, and based on a child who had lived in nature his whole life without any human contact. Itard, a well known French doctor for working with deaf-mutes, had taken in this feral child under his care for the purposes of his studies on the child’s intellectual and social education. Given the time period of the movie Itard had taken the â€Å"wild-child†in under his own care, and helped teach the child to be more civilizedRead MoreGeniie The Wild Child Summary930 Words  | 4 PagesGenie, the Wild Child Question 1: The three children from the video endure radical abuse, negligence, and lack of social contact with their families and were isolated for long periods of time. As a consequence the neural connections in their brain were very limited, causing the brain hemispheres to shrink; as indicated by Doctor Bruce Perry in the video. In the process the centers of language were damaged and the children missed the time period where children develop their vocabulary. After theyRead MoreThe Secret of the Wild Child Essay687 Words  | 3 PagesTaylor Tai Sociology 101 Tabetha Mowrey 22/Feb/2012 Film analyses: â€Å"Genie: The secret of the Wild Children†Genie is a wild child who found in LA on 1970, she is a very extreme case of neglected the caretaking from adult. Her father believed she is retarder She spent her first thirteen years on tiding at the potty chair and still wearing diaper, she had never see, listen, being taught of anything in her life. For the past many years she had been isolation and lack of adult care makeRead MoreGenie the Wild Child Essay941 Words  | 4 PagesGenie, the second case of wild child was found in a room tied to a potty chair. Genie was kept in a room locked away because her father thought she was retarded at birth until the age of 13, when she was rescued by a social worker. She was locked away from normal civilization and any type of socialization, and she was beaten for making noises. Genie was an infant trapped in a 13 year old body, because she could only make infant like sounds and no words or sentences. Genies brain waves were adnormalRead MoreThe Wild Child, By Dr. Gene Itard1599 Words  | 7 Pagesspeak or behave? A 1970 French film, The Wild Child, delves into this extremity and depicts a savage boy’s trials and tribulations of becoming a cognitively functioning social being through the patient efforts of a physician, named Dr. Gene Itard. The boy lived his first eleven or twelve years in the vast wilderness of a forest with little to no human interaction and after a nearby villager spots the boy in the forest, local law enforcement apprehend the child and bring him into custody. He is sequentiallyRead MoreTlcs Wild Child; the Story of Feral Children Essay657 Words  | 3 PagesThe TLC documentary Wild Child; the Story of Feral Children is a documentary that tells the few of many stories of children that have turned to a feral lifestyle due to parental negligence. Feral, meaning undomesticated, is the used term to describe these children because of the actions they exhibit. The accounts in this documentary range from a young girl who â€Å"wa s raised with the wolves†per say, but instead with her dog, to a little boy who was abandoned in a Ukrainian loft and provided the townRead MoreHow Background and Upbringing Effect a Child, Especially in Wild by Strayed and The Other West Moore by Moore1545 Words  | 7 PagesIn the first few pages of Wild, it describes the present being of strayed but is quickly followed by flashbacks to her past. These flashbacks are a reminder of how the story has reached the point where it opened, on the Pacific Coast Trail (PCT). This book is more than a memoir recounting just her hike up the western coast; it is a story of her life’s journey. It explains how who she presently is directly determined by who she used to be. Each step on the trail is another step forward in her growthRead MoreMeridian1100 Words  | 5 Pageslimitation and free of civilization, all the while, the thought of being free of civilization, without limitation is overwhelmingly wild. In the novel Meri dian, by Alice Walker, the short presence of a character addressed as The Wild Child symbolizes the theme of self awareness and pursuing one’s life independently. Alice walker uses the short presence of The Wild Child as an influential factor when developing her main character Meridian. The use of characters from Meridian’s ancestry, such as FeatherRead MoreFeral Children Harlows Monkeys: Psychological Experiments829 Words  | 3 Pagesferal child to be successfully restored to society as well as scientifically studied by Parisian doctor Jean Marc Itard. Followed by children of many ages hailing from the abandoned flats of the Ukraine to the urbanized and bustling streets of Los Angeles, CA, feral children were defined by their lack of human care, usually because of abusive or irresponsible parents. Such isolation from their own society often resulted in resorting to animals, especially dogs, for love and warmth, and to wild, abnormalRead MoreWhere The Wild Thi ngs Are By Maurice Sendak1248 Words  | 5 PagesI am analyzing the illustrations of the children’s book ‘Where The Wild Things Are’, Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak, first published in 1963 in the USA by Harper and Rowe. Sendak uses layout in an interesting way throughout the book, which feels cinematic in approach. The first six illustrations gradually increase in size, until the illustration fills a single page. It creates a feeling of the viewer zooming in on the scene. It also carries the idea in the text of a forest, that ‘grew
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Plague Of Doves And The Great Gatsby - 1743 Words
As humans, we find members of our families, especially our parents, humiliating and awkward. We often avoid them, hoping to escape the instances that surrender us to social embarrassment. On a different scale, this holds true in the literary works we’ve explored this year. Although the characters in the works The Plague of Doves, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, and The Great Gatsby come from different backgrounds and hold a variety of intersectional identifiers, they encounter similar steps while attempting to life lives separate from their historic lineage. The characters in the works develop relationships with surrogate parental figures in order to escape their histories and ultimately, find success. In The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, this relationship is observed with Beli and La Inca. In The Plague of Doves, it is seen between Evelina and Sister Mary Anita and in The Great Gatsby, it is observed in Jay Gatsby’s relationship with Nick Carraway and Dan Cod y. Initially, in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Hypatia Belicia Cabral, or Beli, gets sold into indentured servitude after the death of her biological father, Abelard. This act creates an immediate disconnection between Beli’s ancestry and her present life and leaves her emotionally wounded. One can infer that her decision to go by Beli instead of Hypatia portrays an example of this particular disconnect, as an act of dropping one’s given name can be seen as a direct circumvention of one’s familyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Brief And Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao By Junot Diaz, And The Plague Of Doves2293 Words  | 10 Pageschange but is imperative to learn from. Throughout three novels: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, and The Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich, each protagonist is faced with the challenge of overcoming events in their past to positively impact their present. However, each of the protagonists are unsuccessful, which results in them repeating mistakes of their past. Jay Gatsby is impacted by his love affair with Daisy Buchanan and tries to alterRead MoreThe Roaring Twenties3168 Words  | 13 PagesThe dawning of the 1920’s in America left a need in the citizens’ hearts to return to a state of normalcy after the devastating effects of the Great War. However, the new era of isolationism spawned a cultural revolution that can only be described as anything but â€Å"normal†. Heavy losses over seas left Americans turned off to problems occurring outside of United States borders. As the citizens’ averted their eyes from the problems of the world, they were left to focus their attention of forming the
Personal Philosophy of Leadership Free Essays
Personal Philosophy of Leadership Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person’s idea of leadership is different. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Philosophy of Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a member of the President’s Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal philosophy of leadership is the ability to effect change through leading by example, taking initiative, and encouraging others. There have been many things that have affected my philosophy of leadership. Something that has affected me as a leader is my values. One of my core values is responsibility. As a leader, it is important I understand what to do and what is expected of me. When I am responsible as a leader, those I am trying to lead are more willing to do what I ask them to do. Another of my values is respect. In the past, I am always nice and listen to the ideas of others even if they are not the easiest people to be around. In my experience, it has been easier to earn the respect of my constituents when I respect them as well. My core beliefs will continue to influence my behavior as a leader in the future. The development of my leadership philosophy has also been a result of watching my leaders. One leader that has affected me a lot has been my father. When my mom was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, he did all he could to help out. He took constant care of my mom, continued to work from home, and helped me with school without ever complaining. I try to behave as he did in my leadership roles. I do everything willingly and help out as much as I can. I aim to keep negativity out of already stressful situations and try not to complain. My leaders at school, both good and bad, have also affected my style of leadership. They helped me learn when I need to sit back and let those I am trying to lead take charge and when I need to take charge of the situation. Watching the bad leaders do things I did not agree with encouraged me to challenge to process and change things when I became a leader. There have also been people who have motivated me to be a leader, especially my high school orchestra director. At the end of my junior year, my director called me into his office and told me he would be moving me from the first violin section to the second violin section. He said he knew I was quiet in the back of the first violin section, but he could see I possessed the leadership skills necessary to sit in the front of the second violin section. This really motivated me to try and make him proud the next year at the front of the section. Many different aspects of my life have affected my leadership philosophy. I want others to be able to see my leadership philosophy at work. To do this, it is important that I be able to connect with those I seek to lead, as â€Å"The Relational Leadership Model†states, â€Å"Relationships are the focal point of the leadership process†(Komives, Lucas, amp; McMahon, p. 74). One way I hope to develop a relationship with my followers is by â€Å"Modeling the Way†(Kouzes, Posner, 2008). I will do this by clarifying my values and leading by example. Clarifying values is important because â€Å"To earn and sustain personal credibility, one must be able to clearly articulate deeply held beliefs†(Kouzes, Posner, 2008, p. 9). By clarifying my values, those I seek to lead will understand my mission and will believe I have a goal in mind. Leading by example will help me have a better relationship with my followers because it creates â€Å"a climate that makes it possible for everyone to align themselves with shared values†(Kouzes, Posner, 2008, p. 38). When leaders do not practice what they pr each they loose their credibility, and I want my followers to be able to take me seriously. I would like my followers to be able to connect with me and to align their values with mine. Through â€Å"Modeling the Way†, I want to be able to have a good relationship with my followers. My philosophy of leadership will also affect my future as a leader. I will place an emphasis on my values because â€Å"a conscious focus on values should be at the core of any leadership development effort†(Cilente, p. 45). One of my future principles I lead with will be to make sure everyone in the organization’s values align with mine. How would I be able to make any process when everyone in the group wants something else? This is something I had never considered before being a member of the President’s Leadership Class. The President’s Leadership Class has helped influence my philosophy of leadership. I have learned my strengths and weaknesses of leadership through the class. After doing my first reflection paper, I learned that my weakest area of leadership is â€Å"Inspiring a Shared Vision. †This helped shape my leadership philosophy by making me realize the importance of sharing my aspirations with the group. I have learned that I need to be louder with my thoughts. This is one area I intend to improve on n my future as a leader. I plan on doing this through practice. I may be uncomfortable at first, but, eventually, it will come naturally to me. The Social Change Model of Leadership says, â€Å"A leader is not necessarily a person who holds some formal position of leadership or who is perceived as a leader by others†¦Leadership cannot be described simply in terms of th e behavior of the individual†(Komives, Wagner, p. 45). My definition of leadership is the ability to create a positive change in society and be able to get others excited to see that change. I want to be the embodiment of that definition to others. When others look at me, I want them to be able to say I set an example, have clear attainable views, and make everyone feel like they are contributing to the organization. My personal philosophy of leadership is very important to how I conduct myself as a leader. It has taken years to develop to what it is today and it is constantly changing. Many aspects of my life have affected my philosophy of leadership from my values, to leaders in my life, and people who have motivated me. I will continue to develop my leadership with philosophy as I go through new leadership experiences. References Komives, Susan R. , Lucas, Nance, amp; McMahon, Timothy R. (2006). Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference. Jossey-Bass. Komives, Susan R. , amp; Wagner, Wendy. (2009). Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. John Wiley amp; Sons. Kouzes, James M. , amp; Posner, Barry Z. (2008). The Student Leadership Challenge: Five Practices for Exemplary Leaders. San Francisco, California. Jossey-Bass. How to cite Personal Philosophy of Leadership, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Leukemia Essays - Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Stem Cells, Leukemia, RTT
Leukemia Leukemia is a disease characterized by the formation of abnormal numbers of white blood cells, for which no certain cure has been found. Leukemia is also conditions characterized by the transformation of normal blood-forming cells into abnormal white blood cells whose unrestrained growth overwhelms and replaces normal bone marrow and blood cells. Leukemias are named according to the normal cell from which they originate, such as Lymphocyte Leukemia. Lymphocyte Leukemia is where a Lymphocyte cell is transformed into a Leukemia cell. Another example of Leukemia is Myelocytic or (Granulocytic Leukemia). This forms when a Myelocytic cell is changed or transformed into a Leukemia cell. Different Leukemia's are located in the microscope and by how much protein they contain. These Leukemia's are usually very severe and need treatment right away. The present incidence of new cases per year in the United States is about 25 to every 100,000 persons. The danger to the patient lies in the growth of these abnormal white cells, which interfere with the growth of the red blood cells, normal white blood cells, and the blood platelets. The uncontrolled growth of the abnormal white cells produces a tendency to unstop bleeding, the risk of getting serious infection in the wounds, and a very small possibility of obstruction of the blood vessels. Treatment of these Leukemias include chemotherapy with alkylafing agents, or antimetabodies that suppress the growth of abnormal white cells. Another treatment of some kind would be the x-ray or the administration or radioactive substances, or radiophosphorus, may be used. After treatment these diseases may last for many years. Age of the person diagnosed with Leukemia does play an important part in how that individual responds to any treatment. The older the person the less response he may have to treatment. Leukemia in Animals white blood cells is much less common as Leukemia in humans white blood cells. Today's treatment mostly includes chemotherapy and or bone marrow transplantation supportive care, where transfusions of blood components and prompt treatment of complicating infections, is very important. Ninety percent of children with Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia have received chemotherapy and fifty percent of theses children have been fully cured of Leukemia. Treatment of AML or Acute Myeolcytic Leukemia is not as successful but has been improving more and more throughout the 1990's. Scientists that study the cause of Leukemia have not had very much success lately. Very large doses of x-rays can increase the efficacy growth of Leukemia. Chemicals such as Benzene also may increase the risk of getting Leukemia. Scientists have tried experiments on Leukemia in Animals by transmitting RNA into the body of the Animal. Interpretation of these results in relation with human Leukemia is very cautious at this time. Studies have also suggested that family history, race, genetic factors, and geography may all play some part in determining the rates of growth of these Leukemias. Stewart Alsop is an example of Acute Myeoblastic Leukemia, or AML. On the day of July 21, 1971 Stewart was made aware of some of the doctors suspicions due to his bone marrow test. He was told by his doctor in Georgetown that his marrow slides looked so unusual that he had brought in other doctors to view the test and they could not come to an agreement so they all suggested that he take another bone marrow exam. The second test was known to be "hypocelluar" meaning that it had very few cells of any sort, normal of abnormal. The Georgetown doctors counted, about fourty-four percent of his cells were abnormal, and he added, with a condor that he later discovered characteristics. "They were ugly-looking cells." Most of them looked like Acute Meyoblastic Leukemia cells, but not all some of them looked like the cells of another kind of Leukemia, Acatymphoblastic Leukemia, and some of them looked like the cells of still another kind of bone marrow cancer, not a Leukemia, it is called Dysprotinemia. And even the Myeloblastic cells didn't look exactly like Myeloblastic cells should look. Stewart has been treated with chemotherapy and is still living today but he doesn't have very much longer to live. Sadako Saski was born in Japan in the year of 1943 she died twelve years later in the year of 1955 of Leukemia. She was in Hiroshima when the United States Air Force dropped an atomic bomb on that city in an attempt to end World War II. Sadako Saski was only two years old when all this had happened. Ten years later, Sadako had been diagnosed with Leukemia as a result of the radiation
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Downs Syndrome essays
Downs Syndrome essays All children that are born with Downs Syndrome (previously called mongolism) have a common characteristic appearance and may also share similar congenital birth defects. Dr John Downs, of whom the condition is so named after, found that children who were born with these similar characteristics and that after testing were complete. It was found that there was a common chromosome abnormality, which is known as Trisomy 21 (Cunningham, 1996). Every pregnant woman is at risk of having a Downs Syndrome child. For example 1 in 1,000 women who are 28yrs will give birth to a child with this condition. However, the risk is much greater with a woman who is 38yrs, increasing the risk by approximately 1 in 200 births. Until recently, it was thought that a womans age was the only indicator to the risk involved. However, advances in medical practise can now carry out tests out by looking at a womans hormone and protein levels during pregnancy. Also with the information of the expectant mothers age and the use of maternal screening, two thirds of Downs Syndrome infants can be identified whilst still in the womb. Research into the origins of Downs Syndrome has been carried out worldwide all with one common question in mind; is the condition genetic, thus making it hereditary? However, research that has been carried out has found, that children born with this condition have the same genetic makeup as a child born without the condition. However, there is one difference and that is a child born with Downs Syndrome, will have an extra chromosome. By having just one chromosome extra is enough to tip the finely tuned balance of the human body and will in turn produce physical and intellectual characteristics that are found in Downs Syndrome. It is commonly known that genes are passed from parent to child. And those most have two copies of every gene. In general one copy is passed on from both mother ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869
African American History and Women Timeline 1860-1869 [Previous] [Next] Women and African American History: 1860-1869 1860 founded in 1832 and accepting male and female, white and black students, by 1860 Oberlin College had a student population that was one-third African American 1861 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, autobiography of Harriet Jacobs, was published, including descriptions of the sexual exploitation of female slaves Laura Towne, from Pennsylvania, went to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina to teach the former slaves she ran a school in the Sea Islands until 1901, adopting several African American children with her friend and teaching partner, Ellen Murray 1862 Charlotte Forten arrived in the Sea Islands to work with Laura Towne, teaching former slaves Mary Jane Patterson, graduating from Oberlin College, was the first African American woman to graduate from an American college Congress abolished slavery in Washington, DC (July 16) Ida B. Wells (Wells-Barnett) born (muckraking journalist, lecturer, activist, anti-lynching writer and activist) (July 13-17) many New York African Americans killed in draft riots (September 22) Emancipation Proclamation issued, freeing slaves within territory controlled by the Union 1863 Fanny Kemble published Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation which opposed slavery and served as anti-slavery propaganda Memoir of Old Elizabeth a Coloured Woman published: autobiography of an African Methodist Episcopal evangelist Susie King Taylor, African American army nurse with the Union army, began writing her journal, later published as In Reminiscences of My Life in Camp: Civil War Nurse Mary Church Terrell born (activist, clubwoman) 1864 Rebecca Ann Crumple graduated from the New England Medical College, becoming the first African American woman M.D. 1865 slavery ended in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution  American Equal Rights Association founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Lucy Stone, and others, to work for equal rights for African Americans and women the group split in 1868 over which group (women or African American men) should take priority  Charlotte Forten published Life on the Sea Islands about her teaching experiences as an African American northerner who went south to teach former slaves sculptor Edmonia Lewis produced a bust of Robert Gould Shaw, who led black troops in the Civil War (March 9) Mary Murray Washington born (educator, founder of the Tuskegee Womans Club, wife of Booker T. Washington) (April 11) Mary White Ovington born (social worker, reformer, NAACP founder) (-1873) many women teachers, nurses, and physicians went to the South to help former slaves by founding schools and providing other services, as part of the Freedmens Bureau effort or as missionaries with religious or more secular organizations 1866 President Andrew Johnson vetoed funding for and extension of the Freedmens Bureau, but Congress overrode the veto  Old Elizabeth died 1867 Rebecca Cole graduated from medical school, the second African American woman to do so. She went on to work with Elizabeth Blackwell in New York.  Edmonia Lewis created sculpture Forever Free communicating the response of African Americans when they heard of the end of slavery (July 15) Maggie Lena Walker born (banker, executive) (December 23) Sarah Breedlove Walker (Madam C.J. Walker) born 1868  14th Amendment to the US Constitition granted US citizenship to African American men for the first time explicitly defining US citizens as male. Attitudes towards the importance of this change split the American Equal Rights Association within the year. Much later, the 14th Amendment became the basis for various equal protection cases advocating for womens rights. Elizabeth Keckley, dressmaker and confidante of Mary Todd Lincoln, published her autobiography, Behind the Scenes; or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House sculptor Edmonia Lewis produced Hagar in the Wilderness 1869 biography Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People by Sarah Bradford published; proceeds funded a home for the elderly founded by Harriet Tubman  National Woman Suffrage Association founded (NWSA), with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as first president (November) American Woman Suffrage Association founded (AWSA), with Henry Ward Beecher as first president [Previous] [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1910-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]
Friday, February 14, 2020
Cultural Differences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural Differences - Research Paper Example  According to Royce (1982), there exist differences among all cultures of the world; these differences emanate from the fact that each group has its own norms, belief system, and values. The cultural differences prevalent in most parts of the world mean that people behave in accordance with their culture. Moreover, people tend to hold dear their values, morals, and ways of life. As a result, the traditions of any group of people are held sacred and should be adhered to by the members of the ethnic group. Those who violate the laid down norms may face punishment from the entire society. Therefore, a society may apply some sanctions for undesirable behavior; for example, wrongdoers may be ostracized or alienated from the other members of the society. However, the amount of punishment differs from society to society due to the varying cultural beliefs. Ethnic Identity Ethnic identity is a diverse term which has no universally accepted meaning. However, scholars have advanced the defi nition of ethnic identity to mean the relationship of a person as he or she relates to his or her society. Specifically, ethnic identity refers to a construct that affiliates the individual to the rest of the group. Ethnic identity refers to the view of a person by themselves and others as belonging to a certain group. A person chooses to identify with a group that tends to be available for him or her whenever he or she needs the group or a group, which acknowledges him. For example, a person can choose to affiliate with a group that has the same ethnic heritage (Banks, 1996). According to Banks (1996), in ethnic identity, the affiliation with a group can be in terms of cultural, natal, racial, and symbolic factors. Natal factors can be regarded as the ancestral attributes of a person; for example, the homeland of a person, origin of parents, and the origin of kin. Racial factors entail the use of physical characteristics as well as physiognomic attributes. On the other hand, symbol ic factors refer to the characteristics that tend to be typical of a certain ethnic group. Examples of symbolic factors include clothing, foods, holidays, artifacts, among other attributes shared by a group of persons. Cultural factors involve the behavior patterns exemplified by the group; it may also include the shared values and customs of a group. For most people in the world, ethnic identity forms the basis of national identity; as such, people tend to identify themselves with their ethnic groups. People belonging to the same ethnic group tend to share some attributes which are distinct from other ethnic groups. Moreover, ethnicity signals some form of physical traits, cultural similarities, an enduring descent, and a blood relationship. Apart from these similarities, people belonging to the same ethnic group tend to have some commonalities which include a common language, similar traditions, common religion, and a history that they can share (Royce, 1982). To a large extent, e thnic identity forms the basis for understanding the diverse differences among cultures. People tend to strongly identify with their respective ethnic groups. By belonging to an ethnic group, a person declares a certain ethnic identity and continues to demonstrate acceptable behavior which is characteristic of that group. Â
Saturday, February 1, 2020
"story of an hour "response Assignment
"story of an hour "response - Assignment Example Mallard who is free of her. The story ends with her death in a shock, seeing her living husband standing in the doorway (Chopin, Kate and Chopin 10). In the story, the writer employs specific structural techniques to heighten the drama. As the title suggests, the story is short. The structure used fits the subject matter quite well. The short story is made up of short paragraphs, consisting of two to three sentences. The story only covers an hour in the life of the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard. The time coverage runs from when she learns of her husband’s death and the time the husband unexpectedly returns home. The story makes a great impact, and one can quickly read it. The message is direct. The short story gives Louise an intense hour that she spends contemplating her independence. We immerse ourselves in her wild thoughts. The ‘heart disease’ echoed at the end of the story refers to the ‘heart trouble’ introduced at the beginning of the story. The structure intensifies the twist ending of the story (Chopin, Kate, and Chopin 9). The writer brings out the theme of the forbidden joy of independence. After Richards and Josephine shared the news of Bentleys death, Mrs. Mallard frequently grieves, although her reaction is more violent than other women. She realizes that she is an independent woman now that the husband had left her alone. The realization excites and enlivens her. Though, these are her private thoughts; she tries to squelch the feeling of joy she had. The word â€Å"free†escaped her lips. She sees her new independence as the center of her being. She even turns to prayers in hoping for a longer life to enjoy the freedom. The return of Bentley unwillingly yanks her independence to a level of killing her (Chopin, Kate, and Chopin 15). Another theme we find in the story is the inherent oppressiveness of marriage. The writer identifies that all marriages are
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Solar Energy Essay -- alternative energy,
In recent decades, much debate has ensued about the vast amount of natural resources and ecological services society depletes. Moreover, the debate has evaluated how society depletes these natural resources at a faster rate than the environment can replenish. It also assesses how society can mitigate these environmental issues in order to preserve our natural resources for the prosperity of future generations. Research suggests that the natural resources we currently use, such as coal and petroleum, could be fully depleted within the next 25 and 100 years respectively (Byrd, 2012). Given that society has a tendency to over-consume natural resources, many economists have suggested that the use of alternative energy could alleviate the effects of overconsumption and the environment's ability to replenish. Therefore, this study evaluates the potential of solar energy (SE) on society and the environment by evaluating a cost-benefit analysis between solar energy technology (SET) and conve ntional energy resources. Electricity and The Call for Solar Technology: Research on conventional energy resources has shown that the demand of electricity has drastically increased in recent decades, and will continue to increase in the future (Zweibel, 2010). Moreover, by evaluating business as usual models, where the annual growth rate of demand for electricity ranges from 2% and 3.2%, research has suggested that annual world demand for electricity will soar from around 20 trillion kWh (kilowatts) in 2010 to 60 trillion kWh in 2050 and 200 trillion kWh by 2100. Additionally, the average growth rate of renewable resources has only increased about 1.6% per annum, in comparison to the 4% annual growth rate of conventional energy resources. (Lloyd & F... .... Solar Photovoltaic Installation in California: Understanding the Likelihood of Adoption Given Incentives, Electricity Pricing and Consumer Characteristics. Duke University, USA. [Found using CRS, Wiser, R., Barbose, G., & Peterman, C.] Sarzynski, A., Larrieu, J., & Shrimali, G. (2012). The impact of state financial incentives on market deployment of solar technology. Energy Policy, 46, 550-557. doi: [EL] Tsoutsos, T., Frantzeskaki, N., & Gekas, V. (2005). Environmental impacts from the solar energy technologies. Energy Policy, 33, 289-296. doi: [Conceptual] Zweibel, K. (2010). Should solar photovoltaics be deployed sooner because of long operating life at low, predictable cost? Energy Policy, 38(11), 7519-7530. doi:
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How is British Culture Represented within Little Britain? Essay
In this essay I will be exploring how British culture is represented in the series Little Britain. Little Britain is a well known sketch comedy that is comprised of mainly two characters; Matt Lucas and David Williams. The title is known to have been derived from a combination of ‘Little England’ and ‘Great Britain’. The first character that I chave chosen to analyse is Vicky Pollard. Obviously, alike with all of the characters that are featured in Little Britiain, this character is fictional, but one may say that this character is used to portray the ‘average chavvy teenager’. For example, she will (usually) always try to integrate her extremely well known phrases (â€Å"Don’t go giving me evils!†,†Yeah but no but yeah but no but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Shut up! I ain’t even dun nuffin’ or nuffin’!†, â€Å"Oh my god! I soooo can’t believe you just said that!†, and â€Å"What-eva!†), simultaneously incroporating tottally irrelevant ‘gossip’ which has absoutely nothing to do with the problem that she has found herself facing. Sterotypically, she appears to wear the same ‘Kappa’ outfit, more commonly known as a tracksuit. Vicks is always presented so do the wrong things, where I believe she is o nly doing it because she knows that it is the opposite of good. Common examples of this would be her abnoxious habbit for teenaged drinking, smoking and pregnancy. Vicky also seems to have the absurd perception of life, where if you ‘originate’ from a poor working class family, then you automatically have low expectations in the future. I believe her point of view to be invalid at this point, because she has (maybe unknownigly) sterotyped all though of whom fall into that catagory to have low expectations life, which, in fact, may only effect a small minorty; those who truely think this perception dictated by Vicky is correct. We can put this through to real life situations too; for example a survey was infact conducted that shows (in Britain), one person is the top 5 rich list, actually has a degree of some variance, which slightly backs up my point. For example, the infamous Richard Branson dropped out of school at 16 without any qualifications to his name, but that did not change his view of the world, and was just used as a sriving force to make sure that he got where he wanted to. Some may not agree that he came from a poor working class family, but leaving (and subsequently dropping) school without any qualification is what Vicky may expect from a poor working class student. The second character that I have chosen to analyse is Dafydd, who to me, bring himself access as a very confused character. His well known catchphrase, is â€Å"I’m the only gay in the village†, where in fact, if anything ‘gay’ really does happened, he is the first the feel intimidated and scared, which shows that he in fact may not be ‘gay’, but just can’t admit it. In excellent example of this would be when Myfanwy organised a â€Å"gay night†for Dafydd within the pub, and once the began to start arriving, Dafydd held a bar stool in his hands and cried out â€Å"get back you gay bastards†. Furthermore, this shows either two things, his original statement to be incorrect, and he only stated it for the attention he may though he’d receive, or two, he can’t â€Å"come out of the closet†about his true feelings to is using this type of violent notions to mask what’s really going on, in my opinon.He has other well known cathcprases including: â€Å"I’ll have another Bacardi and Coke please Myfanwy†, â€Å"Oh it’s so hard being the only gay in the village†, â€Å"Oh Myfanwy there just aren’t any other gays round here†. This all show that he is in denial about his true feeling, and thhey conflict what is actually going on. He is or has been biased in to beliving that just because he is gay, he will be restricting from getting on with his life, and doing the average day-to-day activity. For example he belives, specificially because he is gay, that he will be unable to get a job and therefore is currently une mployed.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Life After Chemotherapy Symptoms And Treatments Essay
Life after Chemotherapy Salewa Kayode -Williams Tarrant County College 11/3/16 Life after Chemotherapy According to NIH estimates, three in four families in the U.S, are likely to have at least one individual with a diagnosis of cancer (NIH, 2016). We have millions of cancer survivors in the U.S. However, life for survivors is not always the same, as life before cancer. Treatment provided to cure cancer has short term and long term side effects. Conventional chemotherapies provided for cancer, are replete with toxicities. Though research is underway to prevent and reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy, it is remaining as a big concern. The patient is admitted to hospital and needs prolonged rehabilitation following chemotherapy. It can affect routine life, increase hospital stay and level of dependence. The kind of problems, patients face, can vary from person to person. Nevertheless, there are certain common problems that are shared by many cancer patients. This paper will discuss these problems and other aspects of life after chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is done to either cure cancer or to prolong life. The chemotherapeutic agents used in this process, acts by targeting cancer cells. In this process, they also harm the normal cells in the patient’s body, leading to adverse health effects. Most of the conventional chemotherapeutic agents available today, do not have the expected specificity, and can end up harming normal cells to varyingShow MoreRelatedThe Topic Of Cancer By Christopher Hitchens1042 Words  | 5 PagesTopic of Chemotherapy I chose to write an essay about the â€Å"Topic of Cancer†by Christopher Hitchens. In this short autobiographical essay, Hitchens discusses his experience with Esophageal cancer. Just one day after lanching his book â€Å"Hitch-22†Hitchens was made aware of his illness, where he later describes the news as â€Å"taking me from the country of well, to the stark frontier.†It was then he chose to write about his experience for the purpose of documenting the changes that he, and his body wereRead MoreA Short Note On Lung Cancer Awareness And Cancer1647 Words  | 7 Pagescancer that grows from epithelial cells primarily developing from tissues in the inside or outside surfaces of the body. The spread of the uncontrolled growing cells and tissue to the other parts of the body is known as metastasis (Reck et al., 2014). Symptoms of having lung cancer include coughing up blood, panting (short repeated breaths), weight loss, and feeling pain in the chest. Causes o f lung cancer include repeated smoking of tobacco and a small percentage of people who never smoked. These non-smokersRead MoreChildren With Cancer : A Child s Entire Body Is Growing1576 Words  | 7 Pageschildhood, and live a long life as an adult. This equals 1 in every 530 adults, between the ages of 20-39. Today, due to advances in treatments, more than 8 out of 10 children who are treated for cancer survive to at least 5 years, and the majority of these children are cured. One of the greater risk factors for developing cancer is aging. In actuality, in the United States, more than 60% of cancers occur in adults 65 years or older. Both children and adults, who are diagnosed with life-threatening cancerRead MoreHodgkin S Lymphoma Informative Speech1969 Words  | 6 Pagesallow them to be more aware about what exactly it is, what the common symptoms are, and how to treat the disease. Thesis Statement: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, although rare, can be fatal and it is important to be informed on the cause, symptoms, and treatments to further your awareness and provide a better understanding on the dynamics of this disease. Introduction I think we can all say we have heard many variations of the saying â€Å"Life is too short.†This expression became a reality for my family in 2011Read MoreThe Bare Bones Of Cancer1082 Words  | 5 Pagesknowing the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and planning the treatments have become much easier. There is not one known direct cause to developing bone cancer. However, scientists have found that bone cancer is associated with a number of other conditions. There are different life activities that can heighten the risk factors. Such risk factors can include hereditary and environmental factors; if one has had previous radiation therapy, have had previous chemotherapy drugs known as alkylating agentsRead MoreAssessment Toolss : Assessment Forms And Methods Of CIPN1680 Words  | 7 Pageslike to miss treatments (Stubblefield et al., 2009). Therefore, comprehensive evaluations using standardized and sensitive assessment tools to prevent severe neurotoxicity are a critical step for early intervention. According to Stubblefield et al. (2012), it is essential a baseline assessment including any preexisting neuropathy and predisposing factors, such as diabetes, be performed prior to initiation of treatment. This baseline assessment should include not only subjective symptoms, but assessmentRead MoreBone Cancer1251 Words  | 6 Pagestypes of cancer, bone cancer can be life threatening. Doctors are not completely sure what causes cancer, but they continue the search to find an answer. There are five different types of bone cancer that can affect people from ages 10-60 years old. Bone cancer can occur in any bone in the body from the legs to the head. Unfortunately, symptoms of bone cancer are not always obvious. Most of the time, pain is the most apparent symptom. When recognizing symptoms at an early stage, doctors can completeRead MoreCIPN Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesEducational Opportunities for Cancer Patients at Risk for Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy Chapter One: Introduction Purpose Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) can be a severe, dose-limiting toxicity caused by the administration of the chemotherapeutics and anti-cancer biologics used to treat an individual’s cancer. The purpose of the paper is to explore the effectiveness of different treatment options for the prevention and treatment of CIPN. Additionally, this paper will determineRead MoreLung Cancer : The Most Common Cancer1547 Words  | 7 Pagesin the lungs and a secondary cancer begins in another place in the body and makes its way up towards the lungs. Lung cancer is the 5th most common cancer. In Australia 59% of males were diagnosed were as 41% of Australian females were diagnosed. Symptoms A lasting cough that continually gets worse. Pains in the chest that hurt or gets worse when you laugh breath deeply etc. Hoarseness- A scratchy and weak voice, or difficulty to speak. Loss of appetite and weight. Coughing up blood, spit or phloemRead MoreThe Importance Of Cancer On Cancer1310 Words  | 6 PagesIt has been found, use of natural products improve the quality of life, increase cancer survival rate and improve immune function (Yin, Wei, Jian Yang , 2013). A systematic review by Yin, et al. (2013), reported cancer patients who used Chemotherapy and natural products such as, astragalus, turmeric, ginseng and ginger have shown a positive outcome regarding cancer symptoms. Most commonly reported was a reduction in chemotherapy induced nausea, vomiting and pain (Yin, et al., 2013). The above natural
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